ducalex / retro-go

Retro emulation for the ODROID-GO and other ESP32 devices
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Game Boy Advance Emulator #96

Open davidmonterocrespo24 opened 6 months ago

davidmonterocrespo24 commented 6 months ago

If the SNES can be emulated, I think it would also be possible to emulate the game boy advance. Isn't the emulator for the GBA in development?

ducalex commented 2 months ago

I've tried (and failed porting GBA emulators to the ESP32. Those that ran were nowhere near full speed. So I gave up. But if someone wants to try the challenge, I can confirm that I would indeed accept to merge GBA support into retro-go!

davidmonterocrespo24 commented 2 months ago

I've tried (and failed porting GBA emulators to the ESP32. Those that ran were nowhere near full speed. So I gave up. But if someone wants to try the challenge, I can confirm that I would indeed accept to merge GBA support into retro-go!

Hello do you have the repository of the emulator you tried to make?

ducalex commented 2 months ago

Unfortunately I deleted all those branches.

But the most successful attempt was with derivatives of https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/GpSP (I don't remember which one).

I also did get mGBA to run but it was too slow and it took a long time to reduce memory use enough. I wish I had kept it!

davidmonterocrespo24 commented 2 months ago

Unfortunately I deleted all those branches.

But the most successful attempt was with derivatives of https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/GpSP (I don't remember which one).

I also did get mGBA to run but it was too slow and it took a long time to reduce memory use enough. I wish I had kept it!

It would be good to resume the project. If you create a repository capable of uploading some code and adding more people. If you give me some basic instructions on how to start the migration, I can manage it.