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there-are-no-simply-hot-observables-in-rxjs #3

Open utterances-bot opened 6 months ago

utterances-bot commented 6 months ago

There are no simply "hot" Observables in RxJS - Tomasz Ducin - blog

The "hot and cold" observables concept is quite useful when we introduce RxJS to a complete beginner. But as soon as they dive into real project usecases, e.g. late subscription of a newly rendered component that subscribes to a (behavior? replay?) subject which had already emitted something - then the "hot and cold" concept is... harmful.


dmmishchenko commented 6 months ago

Hi, thank you for your article it's a pretty interesting. I have one question: Is code examples in "Fact 4: producer-consumer pattern" section correct? I'm asking because they are completely the same, so I didn't get the point