duck7000 / imdbGraphQLPHP

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Episodes / Seasons #1

Closed GeorgeFive closed 1 year ago

GeorgeFive commented 1 year ago

Hey there. I've started playing around with some of your code, and so far, so good. Very quick and hopefully easy question for you though... public function episode does not return a season number for each episode. I'm still learning this graphql stuff, so while I'm sure it's available somewhere, I'm not seeing it. Any chance you could add that to the data returned?


Thomasdouscha commented 1 year ago

Now i am busy . I am gonna explain what is my objection. This is another subject.

duck7000 commented 1 year ago

how come episodenumber can not be unknown or null? imdb does this

Thomasdouscha commented 1 year ago

@duck7000 Because somebody enter data wrong to imdb Somebody add true one but nobody deleted the wrong one. İt is mistakes of imdb. Not yours not mine.

duck7000 commented 1 year ago

and about unknown seasons?

Thomasdouscha commented 1 year ago

For example you add episodes but plot is wrong title is wrong. Somebody for example me see it and add true one and notice that and warn imdb. the one who is from imdb erase episode number add to episode which i added. But idiot i dont know why? Not deleted the wrong one.

duck7000 commented 1 year ago

episodenumber can not be 0 because sometimes there are pilot episodes which imdb gives episodenumber 0

So okay i suggest that if episodenumber == unknown, episodenumber becomes -1?

That could also work for unknown seasons, which will become -1 also

Thomasdouscha commented 1 year ago

For seasons also same. Somebody but half sombody add true same situaiton. I add too many records to imdb i know . For example for one piece has tree wrong episode data . Weekend i will login to imdb and i will delete them and i explain why? And it will be fixed. In imdb site unfortunately has wrong data

Thomasdouscha commented 1 year ago

@duck7000 episode number can be 0 that mens is plot episode. But i chaged to wrong data zero for testing for understandin what is it. And then i deleted them. It was just for test

Thomasdouscha commented 1 year ago

In your code for example one step behind episode number 8 and following step episıde unknown. Your solution is get 8 add _1 result 8_1 This is not better way even wrong. right way is passed it. If number is null or unknown that means this is not episode .

Thomasdouscha commented 1 year ago

Unknown sezon also you can do 0

Thomasdouscha commented 1 year ago

In imdb site there are incomplete data or wron data. It is not rarely

Thomasdouscha commented 1 year ago

-1 it is possible too for the episodes and seasons. User for example me i will check them later. And i will delete most probably or fixed.

duck7000 commented 1 year ago

In your code for example one step behind episode number 8 and following step episıde unknown. Your solution is get 8 add _1 result 8_1 This is not better way even wrong. right way is passed it. If number is null or unknown that means this is not episode .

where did you get this from? this isn't how it is in my code. episodenumber will become whatever imdb is giving (can be number or unknown) ONLY if $epNumber contains "unknown" it gets a _number added, if it contains something else nothing will happen.

if (isset($edge->node->series->displayableEpisodeNumber->episodeNumber->episodeNumber)) {
                            $epNumber = $edge->node->series->displayableEpisodeNumber->episodeNumber->episodeNumber;
                            // Unknown episodes get a number to keep them seperate.
                            if ($epNumber == "unknown") {
                                $epNumber = ucwords($epNumber) . '_' . $keyEp + 1;
duck7000 commented 1 year ago

I'm more and more confused about this all and reaching my boiling point

I agree, because everybody likely wants a number as episode, that unknown is not the right way. So everything that is unknown get -1 -1 stands for anything that is unknown, agree?

Thomasdouscha commented 1 year ago

Yes i do

Thomasdouscha commented 1 year ago

I agree, because everybody likely wants a number as episode, that unknown is not the right way.

This is not my oppinion. This is reality. For example if i ask which one episode do you watch last? is it possible to reply unknown one? All episode has number marker as fourth third something like this. I tried to explain it. Unknown or null some wrong or half records of imdb. That is it. You can mark such kind of wrong data with -1. Then user check what is it? fix it o delete it. For example i am doing this. -1 okay for me

duck7000 commented 1 year ago

I have adjusted episodes and uploaded

I hope it is right this time. Important: the inner array index no longer reflects the episode number but normal array index

@Thomasdouscha @GeorgeFive First of all i'm happy with your testing and comments, thanks for that! I understand your points, in the first place unknown is wrong to display by imdb, i agree. But reality is also that they do it so i have to deal with it somehow, just discarding anything that is unknown is not the way to go so we did have to find a solution. I'm glad we all came to a agreement, i'm doing things to the best of my knowledge and i'm not a professional.

Just as info: Funny thing is that i was a car mechanic for 15 years and learned 10 years later that how to program through help from a friend. I don't have any IT related education at all, so it is a small wonder that i'm doing this hah

Thomasdouscha commented 1 year ago

And me Contractor! I am sometimes managing large scale construction company as CEO. Some times i am investor in real-estate market. Some times i am contractor in AFRICA, RUSSIA or EASTERN EUROPE. And i am tired from this business. Now i am resting and learn coding. Https:// I have designed and i have coded it. But in fact i am civil engineer. As you i don't have any aducation about IT Coding etc. I live in Istanbul now. I was born in goteborg of sweden. My mother was swedish and father was turkish. My wife is Russian , my son's wife is french. we are like a united nations as family .

duck7000 commented 1 year ago

And me Contractor! I am sometimes managing large scale construction company as CEO. Some times i am investor in real-estate market. Some times i am contractor in AFRICA, RUSSIA or EASTERN EUROPE. And i am tired from this business. Now i am resting and learn coding. Https:// I have designed and i have coded it. But in fact i am civil engineer. As you i don't have any aducation about IT Coding etc. I live in Istanbul now. I was born in goteborg of sweden. My mother was swedish and father was turkish. My wife is Russian , my son's wife is french. we are like a united nations as family .

Impressive for a contractor :)

but you have 2 errors at your site: The year at the bottom states 2017? and there is a error with twitter?


Thomasdouscha commented 1 year ago

I know because twitter api changed. Not important in my list. But i will fix it of course.

duck7000 commented 1 year ago

Closing this one, works fine now i presume