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Request - Soundtracks update #29

Closed GeorgeFive closed 4 months ago

GeorgeFive commented 9 months ago

Would it be possible to expand the soundtracks function to include IMDb ids, and also clean up the output a bit?

Right now, it returns:

[0] => Performed by Alice in Chains
[1] => Composed by Alice in Chains
[2] => Produced by Alice in Chains

I'd like to see something like this:

[performed_by] = Alice in Chains
[performed_by_id] = 2750498
[composed_by] = Alice in Chains
[composed_by_id] = 2750498
[produced_by] = Alice in Chains
[produced_by_id] = 2750498

I could easily strip out the "Performed by" part with php, sure, but I just think it would be cleaner to let the user decide how to format it. I plan on doing a "Band Name - Song Name" list, and having the repeated "Performed by" would look silly in my use case.

Do note that ID is used in the vast majority of cases, but it can be null... example -

Finally... does IMDb return notes as a separate item? Could we have something like....

    [0] => T.S.O.L.
    [0] => 1830296
    [0] => "Used in Hemdale's 1991 Release in lieu of Dead Beat Dance"

I see that notes are currently returned, but it is currently impossible to tell if an entry is a note or a credit.... [3] => Produced by Simon Heyworth [3] => (Used in Hemdale's 1991 Release in lieu of Dead Beat Dance)

I know it's a lot, so let me know what you think!

GeorgeFive commented 4 months ago

Would it be easier to have them combined? I thought skimming for keywords would make it a little easier.

duck7000 commented 4 months ago

Would it be easier to have them combined? I thought skimming for keywords would make it a little easier.

Yes absolute, like a said i return it as is (Performed and Written by) with or without by would be much easier. In my view that make sence as the data is presented that way?

Again this comes also back to the way imdb let users input the soundtrack data..

GeorgeFive commented 4 months ago

Ok, that definitely works for me then. I thought it would be easier to skim for keywords, so we don't have to worry about edge cases. But I'm good with whatever is easiest!

duck7000 commented 4 months ago

well the easiest would be... not to use this method hahaha

But yes i like the KISS principle (keep it simple stupid) and our method is already very complex.

And if you consider this soundtrack page it is going to get even worse

Featuring is already a problem CreditType separated by : is also not covered Edit: i changed this at imdb, no longer a problem

And in other soundtracks the creditors or publishers are separated by '/' which is also not covered I changed this one by imdb. most issues with slashes resolved through imdb so far

So you see this will be going on and on..

duck7000 commented 4 months ago

I consider this splitup variant as working, but yes there will be cases not covered, but that will only occur in text form afaik

Do you want a final check? Title_final.tar.gz Only use soundtrack from this title.php

GeorgeFive commented 4 months ago

Yeah, let me give this another round of testing tonight, my focus pretty much went entirely to titlesearch recently, hah.

duck7000 commented 4 months ago

There might be one problem left

When there is no by but instead a : Do you want to replace it with by so the method can deal with this situation as well (it does occur but not that often) It can however create new problems, what if there is a : in the string but for a different purpose? It can create the same situation as with the word and (i did change this by imdb but first tested the check changes)

Edit: i added this check, it only replaces : at the first occurrence nothing else and it seems to work. I made a few other changes as well

duck7000 commented 4 months ago

Title8.tar.gz @GeorgeFive if you have the time and mood to test the final version

duck7000 commented 4 months ago

I just added the soundtrack creditSpit, as far as i tested it works

If @GeorgeFive you find any problems with it report it here and i re open this

GeorgeFive commented 4 months ago

Sounds good! Haven't had time to play with this, had a bit of a medical emergency last week and haven't been able to focus due to pain pills. Lovely....

duck7000 commented 4 months ago

Oh that sucks man, i wish you well and soon recovery! I don't like to be sick either, a few years ago i had gallstones, that is lovely too.. and very painful!

It wasn't meant to rush you or anything, i just added it so it is done. If there are still issues we can deal with it later on. I added a bunch of other methods as well just for completeness