duck7000 / imdbGraphQLPHP

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Spouses missing field children #7

Closed duck7000 closed 11 months ago

duck7000 commented 12 months ago


If you like i will discuss this issue here. Maybe we can work it out as it may benefit other users as well.

duck7000 commented 12 months ago

I changed spouse() Separated comment and children, comment is string, children int

Thomasdouscha commented 12 months ago

Now i will check it

Thomasdouscha commented 12 months ago

Now Sometimes it does work. But somtimes gives this error:

(1/1) ErrorException Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

in Person.php line 703 at HandleExceptions->handleError(2, 'Invalid argument supplied for foreach()', '/mnt/diskssd/web/site_copy/vendor/imdbphp/imdbphp/src/Imdb/Person.php', 703, array('query' => 'query Spouses($id: ID!) { name(id: $id) { spouses { spouse { name { id } asMarkdown { plainText } } timeRange { fromDate { dateComponents { day month year } } toDate { dateComponents { day month year } } } attributes { text } } }}', 'data' => object(stdClass)))in Person.php line 703 When it is like this: object(stdClass)#743 (1) { ["name"]=> object(stdClass)#742 (1) { ["spouses"]=> NULL } }

Thomasdouscha commented 12 months ago

I have fixed it should be like this: if ($data != null && $data->name->spouses !=null)

Thomasdouscha commented 12 months ago

There was another issues but i fixed at all. Last code:

#----------------------------------------------------------------[ Spouse ]---
    /** Get spouse(s)
     * @return array [0..n] of array spouses [string imdb, string name, array from,
     *         array to, string commentjs, int children where from/to are array
     *         [day,month,mon,year] (MonthName is the name, MonthInt the number of the month),
     * @see IMDB person page /bio
    public function spouse()
        if (empty($this->spouses)) {
            $query = <<<EOF
query Spouses(\$id: ID!) {
  name(id: \$id) {
    spouses {
      spouse {
        name {
        asMarkdown {
      timeRange {
        fromDate {
          dateComponents {
        toDate {
          dateComponents {
      attributes {
            $data = $this->graphql->query($query, "Spouses", ["id" => "nm$this->imdbID"]);
            if ($data != null && $data->name->spouses !=null) {
                foreach ($data->name->spouses as $spouse) {
                    // Spouse name
                    $name = isset($spouse->spouse->asMarkdown->plainText) ? $spouse->spouse->asMarkdown->plainText : '';

                    // Spouse id
                    $imdbId = '';
                    if ($spouse->spouse->name != null) {
                        if (isset($spouse->spouse->name->id)) {
                            $imdbId = str_replace('nm', '', $spouse->spouse->name->id);

                    // From date
                    $fromDateDay = isset($spouse->timeRange->fromDate->dateComponents->day) ? $spouse->timeRange->fromDate->dateComponents->day : '';
                    $fromDateMonthInt = isset($spouse->timeRange->fromDate->dateComponents->month) ? $spouse->timeRange->fromDate->dateComponents->month : '';
                    $fromDateMonthName = '';
                    if (!empty($fromDateMonthInt)) {
                        $fromDateMonthName = date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $fromDateMonthInt, 10));
                    $fromDateYear = isset($spouse->timeRange->fromDate->dateComponents->year) ? $spouse->timeRange->fromDate->dateComponents->year : '';
                    $fromDate = array(
                        "day" => $fromDateDay,
                        "month" => $fromDateMonthName,
                        "mon" => $fromDateMonthInt,
                        "year" => $fromDateYear

                    // To date
                    $toDateDay = isset($spouse->timeRange->toDate->dateComponents->day) ? $spouse->timeRange->toDate->dateComponents->day : '';
                    $toDateMonthInt = isset($spouse->timeRange->toDate->dateComponents->month) ? $spouse->timeRange->toDate->dateComponents->month : '';
                    $toDateMonthName = '';
                    if (!empty($toDateMonthInt)) {
                        $toDateMonthName = date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $toDateMonthInt, 10));
                    $toDateYear = isset($spouse->timeRange->toDate->dateComponents->year) ? $spouse->timeRange->toDate->dateComponents->year : '';
                    $toDate = array(
                        "day" => $toDateDay,
                        "month" => $toDateMonthName,
                        "mon" => $toDateMonthInt,
                        "year" => $toDateYear

                    // Comments (includes children)
                    $comment = '';
                    $children = 0;
                    if ($spouse->attributes != null) {

                        foreach ($spouse->attributes as $key => $attribute) {
                            if (stripos($attribute->text, "child") !== false) {
                                $children = (int) preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $attribute->text);
                            } else {
                                $comment .= $attribute->text;
                    $this->spouses[] = array(
                        'imdb' => $imdbId,
                        'name' => $name,
                        'from' => $fromDate,
                        'to' => $toDate,
                        'comment' => $comment,
                        'children' => $children

        return $this->spouses;
Thomasdouscha commented 12 months ago

And bio_bio() it works very well

duck7000 commented 12 months ago

Thanks for testing

I did miss some checking i guess. It is fixed now.

If you find other methods with bugs, create a new issue for each of them.

Thomasdouscha commented 12 months ago

Bio has not issue yet. It works very well. Step by step i will test them .

I did miss some checking i guess. It is fixed now.

You missed what-if conditions as marriage, mariage but no child , single. Thatswhy sometimes $comment undefined some times childre undefined and the last issue was about $data. You checked it's null or not. But you should check also $data->name->spouse null or not. All of these issues fixed by me

Thomasdouscha commented 12 months ago

Body height works very well

duck7000 commented 12 months ago

$comment and $children undefind is fixed now too, i mist that too. Thanks!

duck7000 commented 11 months ago

closing this, this method works fine now