duckdb / sqlite_scanner

DuckDB extension to read and write to SQLite databases
MIT License
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Load sqlite_scanner with duckdb release 0.9.1 #68

Closed antonylebechec closed 8 months ago

antonylebechec commented 8 months ago

What happens?

Load sqlite_scanner failed using ""

duckdb.duckdb.InvalidInputException: Invalid Input Error: Initialization function "sqlite_scanner_init" from file "/root/.duckdb/extensions/v0.9.1/linux_amd64_gcc4/sqlite_scanner.duckdb_extension" threw an exception: "INTERNAL Error: Missing DB manager"

To Reproduce

On a Docker container using AlmaLinux:8

$ wget
$ gzip -d sqlite_scanner.duckdb_extension.gz
$ python
Python 3.10.12 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Jun 23 2023, 22:40:32) [GCC 12.3.0] on linux
>>> import duckdb
>>> conn=duckdb.connect()
>>> conn.query("INSTALL 'sqlite_scanner.duckdb_extension'")
>>> conn.query("LOAD sqlite_scanner")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
duckdb.duckdb.InvalidInputException: Invalid Input Error: Initialization function "sqlite_scanner_init" from file "/root/.duckdb/extensions/v0.9.1/linux_amd64_gcc4/sqlite_scanner.duckdb_extension" threw an exception: "INTERNAL Error: Missing DB manager"


AlmaLinux:8 Docker (MacOS x64)

SQLite Version:


DuckDB Version:


DuckDB Client:


Full Name:

Antony Le Bechec


Strasbourg Hospital

Have you tried this on the latest master branch?

Have you tried the steps to reproduce? Do they include all relevant data and configuration? Does the issue you report still appear there?

Mytherin commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the report!

It looks like you are using the wrong binaries. Your target platform is linux_amd64_gcc4 (as indicated in the path where the extension is installed). You have installed binaries for linux_amd64. Using binaries for other platforms than intended can lead to incorrect/strange behavior.

You are likely looking for

Is there any reason you cannot use the normal INSTALL 'sqlite_scanner' command which figures out the correct file to download automatically?

antonylebechec commented 8 months ago

Thanks @Mytherin for your reply!

This is probably a platform identification issue. Due to Docker and multi-plaform, this is not easy to determine which one is the good one (amd64, amd64_gcc4, x86_64...). I use this function to retrieve platform, but it seems to not work properly:

release_version_number = "v0.9.1"
extension_name = "sqlite_scanner"
system = platform.system()
machine = platform.machine()
platform_name = f"{system}_{machine_check}".lower()
url = f"{release_version_number}/{platform_name}/{extension_name}.duckdb_extension.gz"

Especially, for platform x86_64, no URL is available. Is that normal?

And yes, there is a reason why I do not use the normal INSTALL 'sqlite_scanner' command (same for json extension). Our proxy is not open for the URL I have to include extensions within my code to prevent proxy limitations.

By the way, this is my code (devel branch for instance) : It's a project mainly based on duckDB. So thank you for your work!

Mytherin commented 8 months ago

That function is close, but when used in Python extensions require the _gcc4 suffix in the platform, as the Python binaries are build with a different process with an old version of GCC. Your best bet is to ask DuckDB itself:

D PRAGMA platform;
│ platform  │
│  varchar  │
│ osx_arm64 │
antonylebechec commented 8 months ago

Thanks for your reply! I'll test this asap!

Mytherin commented 8 months ago

Especially, for platform x86_64, no URL is available. Is that normal?

DuckDB uses the names amd64, arm64 (64-bit) and i686 (32-bit)