duckdb / sqlite_scanner

DuckDB extension to read and write to SQLite databases
MIT License
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Getting error "PRAGMA table_info('SpatialIndex'): no such module: VirtualSpatialIndex" on unrelated querry #88

Open Hugi-R opened 3 months ago

Hugi-R commented 3 months ago

What happens?

After attaching a SQLite db, whith tables created by Spatialite. When running a querry, I'm getting the error Invalid Error: Failed to prepare query "PRAGMA table_info('SpatialIndex')": no such module: VirtualSpatialIndex. Despite the querry not using the 'SpatialIndex' table.

This does not happen when opening the database directly.

The same error also happen with .tables and when querrying a table that does not exist.

To Reproduce

Create SQLite3 db

sqlite3 ducky.db <<EOF
    id INTEGER,
    datetime TIMESTAMP,
    lat FLOAT,
    lon FLOAT,
    accuracy FLOAT

INSERT INTO duck (id, datetime, lat, lon, accuracy) VALUES (1, '2021-04-16 01:01:01', 10, 20, 1.5);
INSERT INTO duck (id, datetime, lat, lon, accuracy) VALUES (2, '2021-04-16 01:01:01', 11, 21, 5);
INSERT INTO duck (id, datetime, lat, lon, accuracy) VALUES (3, '2021-04-16 01:01:01', 12, 22, 3);
INSERT INTO duck (id, datetime, lat, lon, accuracy) VALUES (4, '2021-04-16 02:01:01', 21, 31, 2.8);
INSERT INTO duck (id, datetime, lat, lon, accuracy) VALUES (5, '2021-04-16 02:01:01', 22, 32, 6);
INSERT INTO duck (id, datetime, lat, lon, accuracy) VALUES (6, '2021-04-16 02:01:01', 23, 33, 7);

Init Spatialite

spatialite ducky.db <<EOF
SELECT InitSpatialMetaData(1);
SELECT AddGeometryColumn('duck', 'geom', 4326, 'POINT', 'XY');
SELECT CreateSpatialIndex('duck', 'geom');

UPDATE duck SET geom = SetSRID(ST_Point(lon, lat), 4326);

This works

duckdb ducky.db "SELECT stddev(accuracy) FROM duck;"

This does not work

All these commands result in Invalid Error: Failed to prepare query "PRAGMA table_info('SpatialIndex')": no such module: VirtualSpatialIndex

duckdb <<EOF
ATTACH 'ducky.db' (TYPE SQLITE);

SELECT stddev(accuracy) FROM duck;
duckdb ducky.db <<EOF
duckdb ducky.db "SELECT * FROM foo;"


Ubuntu 22.04 amd64 (WSL2)

SQLite Version:

SQLite 3.37.2, Spatialite 5.0.1

DuckDB Version:


DuckDB Client:

CLI, Python

Full Name:

Hugo Roussel



Have you tried this on the latest main branch?

Have you tried the steps to reproduce? Do they include all relevant data and configuration? Does the issue you report still appear there?