duckdb / sqlite_scanner

DuckDB extension to read and write to SQLite databases
MIT License
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Tests fail because of missing version: is git required? #91

Closed yurivict closed 2 months ago

yurivict commented 2 months ago

What happens?

Some tests fail like this:

Test using a remote optimizer pass in case thats important to someone

/usr/ports/databases/duckdb/work/duckdb-0.10.2/test/extension/test_remote_optimizer.cpp:135: FAILED:
  REQUIRE( NO_FAIL((con1.Query("LOAD '" "/usr/ports/databases/duckdb/work/.build" "/test/extension/loadable_extension_optimizer_demo.duckdb_extension'"))) )
with expansion:

[234/3040] (7%): test/extension/load_extension.test                             ================================================================================
Query unexpectedly failed! (test/extension/load_extension.test:24)!
LOAD '/usr/ports/databases/duckdb/work/.build/test/extension/loadable_extension_demo.duckdb_extension';
Invalid Input Error: Extension "/usr/ports/databases/duckdb/work/.build/test/extension/loadable_extension_demo.duckdb_extension" (version v..1-dev, platfrom freebsd_amd64) does not match DuckDB loading it (version , platform freebsd_amd64)


test/extension/load_extension.test:24: FAILED:

It prints an empty version string: (version , platform freebsd_amd64).

We don't use git clones, and git executable isn't available during build (it is replaced by always failing false command).

Does it run git, fails, ignores the failure, and leaves the version empty?

This is a wrong behavior. The correct behavior is for configure to fail and to suggest the user that he should pass the version using some cmake variable, for example DUCKDB_VERSION.

To Reproduce



FreeBSD 14.0

SQLite Version:


DuckDB Version:


DuckDB Client:


Full Name:

Yuri Victorovich



Have you tried this on the latest main branch?

Have you tried the steps to reproduce? Do they include all relevant data and configuration? Does the issue you report still appear there?