duckdb / sqlite_scanner

DuckDB extension to read and write to SQLite databases
MIT License
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Bug: DuckDB binds BLOBs as TEXT when inserting data into SQLite #97

Open asg017 opened 1 month ago

asg017 commented 1 month ago

What happens?

When you attach a SQLite database from DuckDB, and you try to insert BLOBs into a SQLite table, the values get bound as TEXT instead of BLOBs.

To Reproduce

import duckdb

db = duckdb.connect(":memory:")
db.execute("load sqlite;")
db.execute("attach 'tmp.db' as target (type sqlite);")
db.execute("create table target.x(a blob);")
db.execute("insert into target.x(a) select encode('my_string_with_ü')");

import sqlite3
db = sqlite3.connect("tmp.db")
print(db.execute("select typeof(a) from x").fetchone()[0])

The final line prints text, which means a was bound as TEXT and not a BLOB.

I believe this is because of this code, where SQLiteStatement::BindValue binds BLOBs with BindText, and a new BindBlob option could be added.


MacOS aarch64

SQLite Version:


DuckDB Version:


DuckDB Client:


Full Name:

Alex Garcia



Have you tried this on the latest main branch?

Have you tried the steps to reproduce? Do they include all relevant data and configuration? Does the issue you report still appear there?