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[Bug] Hiding URL bar on scroll doesn't work well with Flutter web apps #4594

Open Mr-Pepe opened 4 weeks ago

Mr-Pepe commented 4 weeks ago

Describe the bug

It seems that DDG considers every website scrollable and hides the URL bar. This introduces an empty bar below the page. If I go to and scroll down, the web page constantly rerenders to fill the created empty space. However, Flutter web apps do not re-render, which makes the user experience for web apps with bottom navigation bars pretty bad.

How to Reproduce

  1. Go to
  2. Open any of the wonders
  3. Scroll down

The URL bar disappears and an empty space appears below the bottom navigation bar. (The white bar at the top of the screenshot is the task bar of my phone and gets hidden during screenshots.)


Expected behavior

Not sure what the desired behavior is here. I feel like pages should not be scrollable if they don't actually extend beyond the screen.


- DDG App Version: 5.201.1
- Device: Pixel 8
- OS: Android 14
github-actions[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

Thank you for opening an Issue in our Repository. The issue has been forwarded to the team and we'll follow up as soon as we have time to investigate. As stated in our Contribution Guidelines, requests for feedback should be addressed via the Feedback section in the Android app.