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Inconsistent Attribution #1263

Open GuiltyDolphin opened 8 years ago

GuiltyDolphin commented 8 years ago

I've been noticing some inconsistencies in the attribution:

screenshot from 2016-03-07 17 16 11


screenshot from 2016-03-07 17 16 19

And I swear I saw Ben Moon somewhere...

(Just so yea know, it should be GuiltyDolphin - and is in the majority of places).

MariagraziaAlastra commented 8 years ago

Which IAs are those?

GuiltyDolphin commented 8 years ago

@MariagraziaAlastra First is CaesarCipher (I think); second is LoremIpsum (I don't seem to have edit permissions?).

Also, it looks like that script got implemented! :wink: - we gonna see some mass maintainer updates soon?

Noticed some others I can't edit too: PigLatin, Calculator (I don't seem to be on contributers at all?).

MariagraziaAlastra commented 8 years ago

Yep, soon :)

GuiltyDolphin commented 8 years ago

@MariagraziaAlastra Sweet! Looking forward to it :dolphin:

MariagraziaAlastra commented 8 years ago

Looks like in both those IA Pages your name is in camel case, so maybe you just need to wait a bit to see the data updated :) //cc @jdorweiler do you know anything about this?

Also let me know whenever you find the IAs for which you're given credit as Ben Moon and I'll change the attribution data. Thanks :)

GuiltyDolphin commented 8 years ago

@MariagraziaAlastra Will do! Thanks.

GuiltyDolphin commented 8 years ago

@MariagraziaAlastra Oh! Another note:

The query (DateMath) links me to in the attribution, but most others link to GitHub (there may be others I've missed). Humm... Actually looking like it might be the other way round? Is there a way we can set a link preference (e.g., I'd prefer the link to go to GitHub).

MariagraziaAlastra commented 8 years ago

Not really, but maybe we should default to the github account instead (right now it's the other way around). Do you have your github account linked to your account?

MariagraziaAlastra commented 8 years ago

Anyway I changed the attribution on that IA to link to your github account instead.

GuiltyDolphin commented 8 years ago

@MariagraziaAlastra Thanks! And yeah - my accounts are linked.

My vote would go to defaulting to GitHub - but others may feel differently - it would definitely be awesome if we could choose!