duckduckgo / community-platform

DuckDuckGo Community Platform
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Deployment broken, possibly duckpan related #137

Closed jbarrett closed 10 years ago

jbarrett commented 10 years ago

Duckpan release for community platform has a timeout issue during the duckpan package upload meaning the git tagging / tag push never happens. Duckpan packages are pretty out of sync with git tags at this stage.

A workaround exists when version conflict occurs, but still results in loss of sync with github.

nilnilnil commented 10 years ago

Can you install pm-tools and tell me what pmdesc Git::Wrapper returns?

jbarrett commented 10 years ago
use_pod = 
Git::Wrapper (0.031) - Wrap git(7) command-line interface

I think it barfs before doing any of the git parts, haven't had a chance to investigate deeply.

nilnilnil commented 10 years ago

I've seen Git::Wrapper mess everything up with some crazy IPC stuff. Try to cpanm Git::Wrapper@0.030 and see if everything goes away.

jbarrett commented 10 years ago

@nilnilnil OK, sorry it took so long to get back to you.

With this version of Git::Wrapper things went better, though the process is still pretty shaky. Going to leave this issue open until I'm happy there aren't timeout issues with uploading to duckpan.


nilnilnil commented 10 years ago

Cool. I agree with you, just downgrading a package isn't really a solution. Maybe we can add the CP to our PINTO server that provisions machines with particular version. /cc @malbin

jbarrett commented 10 years ago
Do you want to continue the release process? [y/N]: y
[@Git/Check] branch master is in a clean state
[UploadToDuckPAN] registering upload with web server
[UploadToDuckPAN] POSTing upload for DDGC-0.961.tar.gz to
request failed with error code 500
  Message: read timeout

^ Successful, no notification mailed.

Do you want to continue the release process? [y/N]: y
[@Git/Check] branch master is in a clean state
[UploadToDuckPAN] registering upload with web server
[UploadToDuckPAN] POSTing upload for DDGC-0.962.tar.gz to
request failed with error code 405
  Message: Not Allowed

^ Successful, no notification mailed.

Do you want to continue the release process? [y/N]: y
[@Git/Check] branch master is in a clean state
[UploadToDuckPAN] registering upload with web server
[UploadToDuckPAN] POSTing upload for DDGC-0.962.tar.gz to
request failed with error code 403
  Message: Forbidden

^ Failed as duplicate, notification mailed.

0.963 succeeded. All on the same box, from a single shell instance.

zekiel commented 10 years ago

should we close this out or label LOW? John and I discussed the pinto box as far_future

jbarrett commented 10 years ago

Going to close, since I haven't been able to reproduce reliably.