duckduckgo / iOS

DuckDuckGo iOS Application
Apache License 2.0
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DDG 180 Degree Text Flip in Search Result #3013

Closed mattlikespie closed 5 days ago

mattlikespie commented 1 week ago

In all instances of DDG I use (DDG for iOS, DDG macOS) and all browsers using DDG Search (Tor, Safari, Firefox on iOS or macOS), when I type the search terms below, the result preview / confirmation appears flipped 180 degrees.

rotate text box in windows preview with mouse 20degrees

Also happens for:

rotate text box in mac preview with mouse 20degrees

brindy commented 5 days ago

Hello, thanks for your feedback. This is deliberate and not specific to our apps. 😄

This is what's known as an "instant answer" and we've been doing this for many years. We have many of them that will trigger depending on the words you use in your search.

Try some of the following:

user agent qrcode hello world roll d20

We also have ones that are a bit more involved:

weather in London coffee shops in Paris

So that's what is happening and shouldn't affect the search result you get.

Hope that helps.
