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Alessandro/onboarding intro design review fixes #3043

Closed alessandroboron closed 10 hours ago

alessandroboron commented 3 days ago

Task/Issue URL: CC: @SabrinaTardio


Fix BG1/ & BG2/ comments. I’ve also update the font size for iPad for landing screen which should be 36 instead of 28.

Steps to test this PR:


  1. Launch the Intro Flow
  2. Look at the landing transition up to when the first dialog is presented to the user
  3. Ensure that the there’s no transition for the background and looks like it’s not changing.


  1. Launch the Intro Flow
  2. Check that the positioning of the clouds and mountains is close to the one specified in Figma Mockup iPad

<!— Before submitting a PR, please ensure you have tested the combinations you expect the reviewer to test, then delete configurations you know do not need explicit testing.

Using a simulator where a physical device is unavailable is acceptable. —>

Definition of Done (Internal Only):

Copy Testing:

Orientation Testing:

Device Testing:

OS Testing:

Theme Testing:

Internal references:

Software Engineering Expectations Technical Design Template

github-actions[bot] commented 3 days ago

:no_entry_sign: The Asana task linked in the PR description is not added to iOS App Board project.

  1. Verify that the correct task is linked in the PR.
    • :warning: Please use the actual implementation task, rather than the Code Review subtask.
  2. Verify that the task is added to iOS App Board project.
  3. When ready, remove the bot: not in app board label to retrigger the check.