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duckpan check tight loop #1

Closed tantalor closed 12 years ago

tantalor commented 12 years ago
$ duckpan check

Checking your environment for the DuckPAN requirements

Checking for latest DDG Perl package...

At this point, the perl process consumes 100% of CPU and makes no syscalls. I must ^C to cancel it.

tantalor commented 12 years ago

All my dependencies seem to be up-to-date,

$ duckpan installdeps

Found a dist.ini, suggesting a Dist::Zilla distribution

Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AutoModuleShareDirs is up to date. (0.001)
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ConfirmRelease is up to date. (4.300015)
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::EOLTests is up to date. (0.02)
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git::NextVersion is up to date. (1.121010)
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GithubMeta is up to date. (0.28)
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Repository is up to date. (0.18)
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::UploadToDuckPAN is up to date. (0.001)

Everything fine!

$ duckpan DDG
You already have latest version of DDG with 0.035
tantalor commented 12 years ago

I reduced this down to failing to load File::ShareDir::ProjectDistDir (0.3.1)

tantalor commented 12 years ago

Specifically, this infinite loop in File::ShareDir::ProjectDistDir::_devel_sharedir,

  while ( $dir->dir_list() and $dir->dir_list(-1) ne 'lib' ) {
    $dir = $dir->parent;
tantalor commented 12 years ago

This patch might help anybody else with the same issue,

<   while ($dir->dir_list() and $dir->dir_list(-1) ne 'lib' ) {
>   while ( $dir ne '/' && $dir->dir_list() and $dir->dir_list(-1) ne 'lib' ) {
Getty commented 12 years ago

You probably might not patch your version of it, you might tell the author of that module this, give HIM the patch, let him apply it to the package and so this problem is solved for everybody!!!! Please contribute to the Community and not only to your local system :). I will forward this to him

tantalor commented 12 years ago

@Getty yes, I was in the process of doing that. I posted the patch here for others to apply until the author release a new version.

rpicard commented 12 years ago

@tantalor Good job figuring it out.

kentfredric commented 12 years ago

Yeah, its my fault, kentfredric/File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir#2 du, oh.

Fortunately this seems limited to Mac platforms, but unfortunately, there's a lack of CPAN smokers for that platform.

I'll hopefully get this nailed within 24 hours, sorry for the delay.

kentfredric commented 12 years ago

Solved \o/