Open 0x366 opened 5 years ago
I think the most likely case here is that your submission is crashing for some reason. To debug you will want to run it outside of the shell - the basic instructions are here, but they are not in particularly nice shape - I will try to clean things up soon.
Liam, thank you.
I've tried your instruction on multiple submissions and I get infinite output on all of them:
INFO:gym-duckietown-agent:gym-duckietown-agent 2018.10.1
INFO:duckietown-challenges:duckietown-challenges 3.2.15
pygame 1.9.4
Hello from the pygame community.
Starting submission
INFO:duckietown-challenges:solution:Parameters: OrderedDict([('env', 'Duckietown-Lf-Lfv-Navv-Silent-v1')])
INFO:duckietown-challenges:solution:Creating model.
INFO:duckietown-challenges:solution:Making environment
INFO:duckietown-slimremote:duckietown-slimremote 2018.11.2
INFO:duckietown-slimremote:Slimremote trying to connect to "duckiebot.local"
INFO:duckietown-slimremote:'ping' reports host is NOT reachable
(u'starting sub socket on', 8902)
listening to topic '0'
cam ready
INFO:duckietown-challenges:solution:Reset environment
INFO:duckietown-slimremote:Simulator not ready - wait 1 second and try again
INFO:duckietown-slimremote:Simulator not ready - wait 1 second and try again
INFO:duckietown-slimremote:Simulator not ready - wait 1 second and try again
Hi Tony, I was getting an error similar to this today but I wasn't able to quite figure it out. I might not be able to look into it for a few days.
Hi I did all the calibrations and now I'm following:
I'm running:
dts duckiebot evaluate duckiebot --image heyt0ny/aido1_lf1_r3-v3-submission:2018_12_01_15_47_46
and get the following:What can I do about that? )