duckietown / duckietown-shell

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SD card burn fails #48

Open robertmoni opened 5 years ago

robertmoni commented 5 years ago

Running dts init_sd_card with options or without gives the same result.

OS: ubuntu 18 Packages: all at their latest version Inserted sd card can be found at /dev/sda. If the card is not inserted that drive is not shown.

DEBUG:dts:encoding: stdout UTF-8 stderr UTF-8 locale UTF-8.

dts :  Problems with a command?
    :  Report here:
    :  Troubleshooting:
    :  - If some commands update fail, delete ~/.dt-shell/commands
    :  - To reset the shell to "factory settings", delete ~/.dt-shell
    :    (Note: you will have to re-configure.)
INFO:dts:duckietown-shell-commands 4.0.18
INFO:duckietown-challenges:duckietown-challenges 4.0.30

## Tips and tricks

### Multiple networks

    dts init_sd_card --wifi  network1:password1,network2:password2 --country US

### Steps

Without arguments the script performs the steps:


You can use --steps to run only some of those:

    dts init_sd_card --steps expand,mount

DEBUG:dts:Found 'wget' at /usr/bin/wget
DEBUG:dts:Found 'tar' at /bin/tar
DEBUG:dts:Found 'udisksctl' at /usr/bin/udisksctl
DEBUG:dts:Found 'docker' at /usr/bin/docker
DEBUG:dts:Found 'base64' at /usr/bin/base64
DEBUG:dts:Found 'gzip' at /bin/gzip
DEBUG:dts:Found 'udevadm' at /sbin/udevadm
DEBUG:dts:Found 'lsblk' at /bin/lsblk
INFO:dts:Please type the device with your SD card. Please be careful to pick the right device and to include '/dev/'. Here's a list of the devices on your system:
Running /bin/bash /home/dt/.dt-shell/commands/init_sd_card/
NAME                              TYPE   SIZE VENDOR
/dev/sda                          disk  29.1G Generic
/dev/nvme0n1                      disk 238.5G
Type the name of your device (include the '/dev' part):   /dev/sda
Running /bin/bash /home/dt/.dt-shell/commands/init_sd_card/
64-bit OS detected...
Prior etcher-cli install detected at /tmp/duckietown/etcher-cli, skipping...
HypriotOS image was previously downloaded to /tmp/duckietown/, skipping...
Flashing Hypriot image /tmp/duckietown/ to disk /dev/sda
? This will erase the selected drive. Are you sure? Yes
Bad archive

dts :  Traceback (most recent call last):
    :    File "/home/dt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dt_shell/", line 48, in cli_main
    :      cli_main_()
    :    File "/home/dt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dt_shell/", line 126, in cli_main_
    :      shell.onecmd(cmdline)
    :    File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 217, in onecmd
    :      return func(arg)
    :    File "/home/dt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dt_shell/", line 410, in <lambda>
    :      do_command_lam = lambda s, w: do_command(klass, s, w)
    :    File "/home/dt/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dt_shell/", line 53, in do_command
    :      cls.command(shell, args)
    :    File "/home/dt/.dt-shell/commands/init_sd_card/", line 204, in command
    :      step2function[step_name](shell, parsed)
    :    File "/home/dt/.dt-shell/commands/init_sd_card/", line 273, in step_flash
    :      start_command_in_subprocess(script_cmd, env)
    :    File "/home/dt/.dt-shell/commands/utils/", line 30, in start_command_in_subprocess
    :      raise Exception(msg)
    :  Exception: Error occurred while running /bin/bash /home/dt/.dt-shell/commands/init_sd_card/, please check and retry (1).

dts :  If you think this is a bug, please report that you are using:
    :  duckietown-shell-commands: 4.0.18
    :  duckietown-challenges: 4.0.30
    :  python: "3.6.7 (default, Oct 22 2018, 11:32:17) \n[GCC 8.2.0]"
    :  duckietown-shell: 4.0.22
    :  encodings:
    :    stdout: UTF-8
    :    stderr: UTF-8
    :    locale: UTF-8
breandan commented 5 years ago

What happens if you run rm /tmp/duckietown/ and retry?

robertmoni commented 5 years ago

Same exception error if I delete only the hypriotos zip file. Deleting the whole duckietown folder from tmp resolves the issue ('rm -rf /tmp/duckietown').

Thanks for the hint @breandan.

bemova commented 5 years ago

I tried to burn the sd card. but, I received the "raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self) : requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url: http+docker://localhost/v1.35/images/duckietown/rpi-simple-server:master18/json"

My docker is installed. and it works correctly. Screenshot from 2019-06-06 08-07-09


Without arguments the script performs the steps:


You can use --steps to run only some of those:

dts init_sd_card --steps expand,mount

DEBUG:dts:Found 'wget' at /usr/bin/wget DEBUG:dts:Found 'tar' at /bin/tar DEBUG:dts:Found 'udisksctl' at /usr/bin/udisksctl DEBUG:dts:Found 'docker' at /usr/bin/docker DEBUG:dts:Found 'base64' at /usr/bin/base64 DEBUG:dts:Found 'gzip' at /bin/gzip DEBUG:dts:Found 'udevadm' at /sbin/udevadm DEBUG:dts:Found 'lsblk' at /bin/lsblk INFO:dts:Please type the device with your SD card. Please be careful to pick the right device and to include '/dev/'. Here's a list of the devices on your system: Running /bin/bash /home/arz/.dt-shell/commands/init_sd_card/ NAME TYPE SIZE VENDOR /dev/sda disk 29.7G ATA
/dev/sdb disk 150G VMware, Done! Type the name of your device (include the '/dev' part): /dev/sda Running /bin/bash /home/arz/.dt-shell/commands/init_sd_card/ 64-bit OS detected... Prior etcher-cli install detected at /tmp/duckietown/etcher-cli, skipping... HypriotOS image was previously downloaded to /tmp/duckietown/, skipping... Flashing Hypriot image /tmp/duckietown/ to disk /dev/sda ? This will erase the selected drive. Are you sure? Yes Flashing: 13.83 MB/s [========================] 100% eta 0s
Validating: 0 B/s [========================] 100% eta 0s


INFO:dts:Updated status: DEBUG:dts:$ ['sudo', 'lsblk', '/dev/sda'] NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 29.7G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 64M 0 part └─sda2 8:2 0 29.7G 0 part DEBUG:dts:$ ['sudo', 'udevadm', 'trigger'] DEBUG:dts:$ ['udisksctl', 'mount', '-b', '/dev/disk/by-label/HypriotOS'] Mounted /dev/sda1 at /media/arz/HypriotOS. DEBUG:dts:$ ['sudo', 'udevadm', 'trigger'] DEBUG:dts:$ ['udisksctl', 'mount', '-b', '/dev/disk/by-label/root'] Mounted /dev/sda2 at /media/arz/root. /home/arz/.dt-shell/commands/init_sd_card/ YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated, as the default Loader is unsafe. Please read for full details. user_data = yaml.load(open(user_data_file).read()) INFO:dts:Adding file /home/arz/.ssh/authorized_keys INFO:dts:Adding file /home/arz/.dt-shell/config INFO:dts:Adding file /secrets/tokens/dt1 INFO:dts:Adding file /data/stats/init_sd_card/README.txt INFO:dts:Adding file /data/stats/init_sd_card/CHANGELOG INFO:dts:Adding file /data/stats/init_sd_card/version INFO:dts:Adding file /data/stats/init_sd_card/flash_time INFO:dts:Adding file /data/stats/init_sd_card/flash_user INFO:dts:Adding file /data/stats/init_sd_card/flash_machine INFO:dts:Adding file /data/stats/init_sd_card/parameters/hostname INFO:dts:Adding file /data/stats/init_sd_card/parameters/linux_username INFO:dts:Adding file /data/stats/init_sd_card/parameters/stacks_to_run INFO:dts:Adding file /data/stats/init_sd_card/parameters/stacks_to_load INFO:dts:Adding file /data/stats/init_sd_card/parameters/compress INFO:dts:Adding file /data/stats/init_sd_card/parameters/device INFO:dts:Adding file /data/stats/init_sd_card/parameters/country INFO:dts:Adding file /data/stats/init_sd_card/parameters/wifi INFO:dts:Adding file /data/stats/init_sd_card/parameters/ethz_username INFO:dts:Adding file /data/stats/MAC/README.txt INFO:dts:Configuration already found in ~/.ssh/config INFO:dts:Adding file /var/local/wificfg.json INFO:dts:Adding file /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf /home/arz/.dt-shell/commands/init_sd_card/ YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated, as the default Loader is unsafe. Please read for full details. add_file(path='/data/config/calibrations/kinematics/default.yaml', content=yaml.dump(yaml.load(kin_calib_file), default_flow_style=False)) INFO:dts:Adding file /data/config/calibrations/kinematics/default.yaml /home/arz/.dt-shell/commands/init_sd_card/ YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated, as the default Loader is unsafe. Please read for full details. add_file(path='/data/config/calibrations/camera_extrinsic/default.yaml',content=yaml.dump(yaml.load(ext_cam_calib_file), default_flow_style=False)) INFO:dts:Adding file /data/config/calibrations/camera_extrinsic/default.yaml /home/arz/.dt-shell/commands/init_sd_card/ YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated, as the default Loader is unsafe. Please read for full details. add_file(path='/data/config/calibrations/camera_intrinsic/default.yaml',content=yaml.dump(yaml.load(int_cam_calib_file), default_flow_style=False)) INFO:dts:Adding file /data/config/calibrations/camera_intrinsic/default.yaml INFO:dts:Stacks to load: ['DT18_00_basic', 'DT18_01_health_stats', 'DT18_02_others', 'DT18_03_roscore', 'DT18_05_duckiebot_base', 'DT18_06_dashboard'] INFO:dts:Stacks to run: ['DT18_00_basic', 'DT18_01_health_stats', 'DT18_03_roscore', 'DT18_06_dashboard'] ERROR:dts:Could not find docker-compose. Cannot validate file. INFO:dts:Adding file /var/local/DT18_00_basic.yaml ERROR:dts:Could not find docker-compose. Cannot validate file. INFO:dts:Adding file /var/local/DT18_01_health_stats.yaml ERROR:dts:Could not find docker-compose. Cannot validate file. INFO:dts:Adding file /var/local/DT18_02_others.yaml ERROR:dts:Could not find docker-compose. Cannot validate file. INFO:dts:Adding file /var/local/DT18_03_roscore.yaml ERROR:dts:Could not find docker-compose. Cannot validate file. INFO:dts:Adding file /var/local/DT18_05_duckiebot_base.yaml ERROR:dts:Could not find docker-compose. Cannot validate file. INFO:dts:Adding file /var/local/DT18_06_dashboard.yaml INFO:dts:The stacks that are available are: DT18_03_roscore, DT18_02_others, DT18_05_duckiebot_base, DT18_04_camera, DT18_01_health_stats, DT18_99_swarm, DT18_06_dashboard, DT18_00_basic INFO:dts:You asked to use ['DT18_00_basic', 'DT18_01_health_stats', 'DT18_02_others', 'DT18_03_roscore', 'DT18_05_duckiebot_base', 'DT18_06_dashboard'] /home/arz/.dt-shell/commands/init_sd_card/ YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated, as the default Loader is unsafe. Please read for full details. stacks2yaml[sn] = yaml.load(open(lpath).read()) INFO:dts:Pulling portainer/portainer:linux-arm DEBUG:dts:$ ['docker', 'pull', 'portainer/portainer:linux-arm'] linux-arm: Pulling from portainer/portainer Digest: sha256:ab4c6cabe6d2c2fbff48b9a00a99bc2b7a2a1fcb1b1c2e2e5cbc9372586c3f63 Status: Image is up to date for portainer/portainer:linux-arm INFO:dts:Pulling v2tec/watchtower:armhf-latest DEBUG:dts:$ ['docker', 'pull', 'v2tec/watchtower:armhf-latest'] armhf-latest: Pulling from v2tec/watchtower Digest: sha256:63abf3fc71a46b8fc46674342766d976e6a97d6c70d2560a0986ec63c1784812 Status: Image is up to date for v2tec/watchtower:armhf-latest INFO:dts:Using cached file /tmp/duckietown/docker_images/DT18_00_basic-d10d8dc0.tar INFO:dts:Pulling duckietown/rpi-simple-server:master18 DEBUG:dts:$ ['docker', 'pull', 'duckietown/rpi-simple-server:master18'] master18: Pulling from duckietown/rpi-simple-server Digest: sha256:6b6787319cd87b413d5b0a8737f6127c719293c12936c94b5ea3a2d7fd62f6b5 Status: Image is up to date for duckietown/rpi-simple-server:master18

dts : Traceback (most recent call last): : File "/home/arz/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/docker/api/", line 261, in _raise_for_status : response.raise_for_status() : File "/home/arz/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/", line 940, in raise_for_status : raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self) : requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url: http+docker://localhost/v1.35/images/duckietown/rpi-simple-server:master18/json :
: During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: :
: Traceback (most recent call last): : File "/home/arz/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dt_shell/", line 48, in cli_main : climain() : File "/home/arz/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dt_shell/", line 126, in climain : shell.onecmd(cmdline) : File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 217, in onecmd : return func(arg) : File "/home/arz/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dt_shell/", line 410, in : do_command_lam = lambda s, w: do_command(klass, s, w) : File "/home/arz/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dt_shell/", line 47, in do_command : cls.command(shell, args) : File "/home/arz/.dt-shell/commands/init_sd_card/", line 204, in command : step2function[step_name](shell, parsed) : File "/home/arz/.dt-shell/commands/init_sd_card/", line 463, in step_setup : configure_images(parsed, user_data, add_file_local, add_file) : File "/home/arz/.dt-shell/commands/init_sd_card/", line 535, in configure_images : stack2info = save_images(stack2yaml, compress=parsed.compress) : File "/home/arz/.dt-shell/commands/init_sd_card/", line 881, in save_images : image = client.images.get(image_name) : File "/home/arz/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/docker/models/", line 316, in get : return self.prepare_model(self.client.api.inspect_image(name)) : File "/home/arz/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/docker/utils/", line 19, in wrapped : return f(self, resource_id, *args, **kwargs) : File "/home/arz/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/docker/api/", line 245, in inspect_image : self._get(self._url("/images/{0}/json", image)), True : File "/home/arz/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/docker/api/", line 267, in _result : self._raise_for_status(response) : File "/home/arz/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/docker/api/", line 263, in _raise_for_status : raise create_api_error_from_http_exception(e) : File "/home/arz/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/docker/", line 31, in create_api_error_from_http_exception : raise cls(e, response=response, explanation=explanation) : docker.errors.APIError: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error ("readlink /var/lib/docker/overlay2: invalid argument")

dts : If you think this is a bug, please report that you are using: :
: duckietown-shell-commands: 4.0.21 : duckietown-challenges: 4.0.30 : python: "3.6.7 (default, Oct 22 2018, 11:32:17) \n[GCC 8.2.0]" : duckietown-shell: 4.0.22 : encodings: : stdout: UTF-8 : stderr: UTF-8 : locale: UTF-8

bemova commented 5 years ago

My OS is : Ubuntu 18.04 I am running this os as a vmware virtual machine. The host os is Windows 10.

breandan commented 5 years ago

Never tried flashing an SD card from a VM before, but I suspect that is your problem. Seems like your Docker client cannot access the resources it needs, maybe the VM is not configured properly to access the SD or HD? cf.

On Fri, Jun 7, 2019 at 11:12 AM mj wrote:

My OS is : Ubuntu 18.04 I am running this os as a vmware virtual machine. The host os is Windows 10.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned.

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mantlekey commented 10 months ago

Hello guys, I'm having a similar problem burning the SD card. I'm using a Raspberry PI 3 and after I type the command the terminal gets stuck.

Any suggestions?

Screenshot 2024-02-04 at 8 55 17 AM