duckietown / gym-duckietown

Self-driving car simulator for the Duckietown universe
52 stars 19 forks source link

Duckie driver #181

Closed CourchesneA closed 4 years ago

CourchesneA commented 4 years ago

Add a duckie driving the duckiebot

This is applied to the duckiebot meshes, so as of this commit all duckiebot will have a duckie driver, and it will all be the same duckie in the same position, orientation and scale (which was chosen arbitrarily).

Screenshot from 2019-11-06 21-06-38 Screenshot from 2019-11-06 21-09-22 Screenshot from 2019-11-06 21-09-56

CourchesneA commented 4 years ago

Scaled down the duckie, now ~70% of what it was in the previous commit

Screenshot from 2019-11-06 21-44-14 Screenshot from 2019-11-06 21-44-46