duckietown / gym-duckietown

Self-driving car simulator for the Duckietown universe
45 stars 16 forks source link

Repo examples are out of date and have several issues #248

Open matwilso opened 3 years ago

matwilso commented 3 years ago

I wanted to mess around with imitation learning on a simple lane following expert. Based on the README, I thought this would be easy to test out. But I had to edit several parts of the code, like to deal with python 3.8 features, and to account for renaming of directories. And even when I got things running, the line following agent didn't work. I had to revert back to an older commit and then it did work.

I could have messed up the install or missed something. But that is the experience I had trying to get something working from this repo. And based on other active issues, I don't think I am entirely alone.

If anyone is still actively maintaining this repo, there is work to be done to make it better to run out of the box. Or remove mention of things that don't work anymore, and fix broken links and references to renamed directories (e.g., pytorch --> basic)

amirhesamyazdi commented 3 years ago

I want to do the same thing but I face a lot of issues. I used docker hub installation but I face ImportError: Library "fontconfig" not found. and after I try some suggested fixes by Duckietown collaborators it still same error. I can't use pytorch_rl too even though pytorch is installed and I confirmed it by importing torch successfully.

Would you please share exactly how you got it working? I and I'm sure many would appreciate your input.

tamas-visy commented 2 years ago

I was able to solve the ImportError: Library "fontconfig" not found:

You can install it via apt-get install libfontconfig-dev (make sure to call apt-get update and maybe apt-get upgrade before).