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Pin elasticsearch to latest version 7.15.0 #102

Closed pyup-bot closed 2 years ago

pyup-bot commented 2 years ago

This PR pins elasticsearch[async] to the latest release 7.15.0.

Changelog ### 7.15.0 ``` Client We've recently announced our [roadmap for 8.0.0]( and have begun issuing [deprecation warnings]( in the 7.x release stream to prepare users for upgrading to 8.0.0 when available. Added - Added more precise type hints to many API parameters - Added explicit parameters to `AsyncTransport` and `AIOHttpConnection` - Added `MapboxVectorTileSerializer` for handling the `application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile` mimetype. Because this mimetype is binary rather than text the raw response `bytes` are forwarded from the serializer without decoding Fixed - Reduced amount of time to import the `elasticsearch` module by delaying imports of `pandas` and `numpy` until later in the JSON serialization stage if necessary APIs - Deprecated positional arguments for APIs, instead use keyword arguments exclusively. Search - Added the `search_mvt` **experimental** API - Added body field parameters to the `search`, `scroll`, and `clear_scroll` APIs - Deprecated the `body` parameter of the `search`, `scroll`, and `clear_scroll` APIs Documents - Added body field parameters to the `update` API - Added the `document` parameter to the `create` and `index` APIs - Deprecated the `body` parameter of the `create`, `index`, and `update` APIs Indices - Added the `indices.disk_usage` **experimental** API - Added the `indices.fields_usage_stats` **experimental** API - Added body field parameters to the `indices.create` API - Deprecated the `body` parameter of the `indices.create` API Machine Learning - Added the `ignore_unavailable`, `allow_no_indices`, `ignore_throttled`, and `expand_wildcards` parameters to the `ml.put_job` API Nodes - Added the `nodes.clear_repositories_metering_archive` **experimental** API - Added the `nodes.get_repositories_metering_info` **experimental** API - Added the `shards` option to the `index_metric` parameter of the `nodes.stats` API - Deprecated the `doc_type` parameter of the `nodes.hot_threads` API, instead use the `type` parameter Security - Added the `security.query_api_keys` API License - Deprecated the `doc_type` parameter of the `license.post_start_trial` API, instead use the `type` parameter ``` ### 7.15.0a1 ``` Client We've recently announced our [roadmap for 8.0.0]( and have begun issuing [deprecation warnings]( in the 7.x release stream to prepare users for upgrading to 8.0.0 when available. Added - Added more precise type hints to many API parameters - Added explicit parameters to `AsyncTransport` and `AIOHttpConnection` - Added `MapboxVectorTileSerializer` for handling the `application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile` mimetype. Because this mimetype is binary rather than text the raw response `bytes` are forwarded from the serializer without decoding. APIs - Deprecated positional arguments for APIs, instead use keyword arguments exclusively. Search - Added the `search_mvt` **experimental** API - Added body field parameters to the `search`, `scroll`, and `clear_scroll` APIs - Deprecated the `body` parameter of the `search`, `scroll`, and `clear_scroll` APIs Documents - Added body field parameters to the `update` API - Added the `document` parameter to the `create` and `index` APIs - Deprecated the `body` parameter of the `create`, `index`, and `update` APIs Indices - Added the `indices.disk_usage` **experimental** API - Added the `indices.fields_usage_stats` **experimental** API - Added body field parameters to the `indices.create` API - Deprecated the `body` parameter of the `indices.create` API Machine Learning - Added the `ignore_unavailable`, `allow_no_indices`, `ignore_throttled`, and `expand_wildcards` parameters to the `ml.put_job` API. Nodes - Added the `nodes.clear_repositories_metering_archive` **experimental** API - Added the `nodes.get_repositories_metering_info` **experimental** API - Added the `shards` option to the `index_metric` parameter of the `nodes.stats` API - Deprecated the `doc_type` parameter of the `nodes.hot_threads` API, instead use the `type` parameter Security - Added the `security.query_api_keys` API License - Deprecated the `doc_type` parameter of the `license.post_start_trial` API, instead use the `type` parameter ``` ### 7.14.2 ``` Client - Client is compatible with Elasticsearch 7.14.2 ``` ### 7.14.1 ``` Client - Client is compatible with Elasticsearch 7.14.1 ``` ### 7.14.0 ``` Client Added - Added check that client is connected to an Elasticsearch cluster. If the client isn't connected to a supported Elasticsearch cluster the `UnsupportedProductError` exception will be raised. APIs Search - Added the `terms_enum` **beta** API - Removed the `query_and_fetch` and `dfs_query_and_fetch` options in the `search_type` parameter to the `msearch`, `msearch_template` and `search_template` APIs Index Lifecycle Management - Added the `ilm.migrate_to_data_tiers` API Machine Learning - Added the `ml.reset_job` API Security - Added the `security.saml_authenticate` API - Added the `security.saml_complete_logout` API - Added the `security.saml_invalidate` API - Added the `security.saml_logout` API - Added the `security.saml_prepare_authentication` API - Added the `security.saml_service_provider_metadata` API SQL - Added the `sql.delete_async` API - Added the `sql.get_async` API - Added the `sql.get_async_status` API Snapshots - Added the `include_repository` parameter to `snapshot.get` API - Added the `rarely_abort_writes` parameter to the `snapshot.repository_analyze` API ``` ### 7.14.0a1 ``` Client Added - Added check that client is connected to an Elasticsearch cluster. If the client isn't connected to Elasticsearch a `NotElasticsearchError` exception will be raised. APIs Search - Added the `terms_enum` **beta** API - Removed the `query_and_fetch` and `dfs_query_and_fetch` options in the `search_type` parameter to the `msearch`, `msearch_template` and `search_template` APIs Index Lifecycle Management - Added the `ilm.migrate_to_data_tiers` API Machine Learning - Added the `ml.reset_job` API Security - Added the `security.saml_authenticate` API - Added the `security.saml_complete_logout` API - Added the `security.saml_invalidate` API - Added the `security.saml_logout` API - Added the `security.saml_prepare_authentication` API - Added the `security.saml_service_provider_metadata` API Snapshots - Added the `include_repository` parameter to `snapshot.get` API - Added the `rarely_abort_writes` parameter to the `snapshot.repository_analyze` API ``` ### 7.13.4 ``` Client - Client is compatible with Elasticsearch 7.13.4 ``` ### 7.13.3 ``` Client Fixed - `NameError` would be raised on Python 2.7 and 3.4 when a connection error would have otherwise been raised. ``` ### 7.13.2 ``` :warning: **This release has been yanked on PyPI due to a regression in Python <3.5, please use another version.** Client Fixed - `Transport.perform_request()` now properly reraises `RecursionError` (Contributed by hmilkovi) - `AIOHttpConnection` no longer sends `Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate` when `http_compress=None`. Instead now sends no `Accept-Encoding` header. APIs Snapshot - Added the `snapshot.repository_analyze` API ``` ### 7.13.1 ``` Client - Client is compatible with Elasticsearch 7.13.1 ``` ### 7.13.0 ``` Client Added - Added support for compatibility header for Elasticsearch. If the environment variable `ELASTIC_CLIENT_APIVERSIONING=1` is set the client will send the headers Accept and Content-Type with the following value: `application/vnd.elasticsearch+json;compatible-with=7`. APIs Cat - Added the `include_unloaded_segments` parameter to the `cat.nodes` API Snapshot Features - Added the `features.reset_features` **experimental** API Fleet - Added the `fleet.global_checkpoints` **expiremental** API Ingest - Added the `ingest.geo_ip_stats` API Machine Learning - Added the `ml.delete_trained_model_alias` API - Added the `ml.preview_data_frame_analytics` API - Added the `ml.put_trained_model_alias` API - Changed the `ml.delete_data_frame_analytics`, `ml.delete_trained_model`, `ml.explain_data_frame_analytics`, `ml.get_data_fram_analytics`, `ml.get_data_frame_analytics_stats`, `ml.get_trained_models`, `ml.get_trained_models_stats`, `ml.put_trained_model`, `ml.start_data_frame_analytics`, `ml.stop_data_frame_analytics`, `ml.update_data_frame_analytics` APIs from **beta** to **stable**. Nodes - Added `include_unloaded_segments` parameter to `node.stats` API Searchable Snapshots - Added the `searchable_snapshots.cache_stats` **experimental** API Security - Added the `security.clear_cached_service_tokens` **beta** API - Added the `security.create_service_token` **beta** API - Added the `security.delete_service_token` **beta** API - Added the `security.get_service_accounts` **beta** API - Added the `security.get_service_credentials` **beta** API Shutdown - Added the `shutdown.delete_node` **experiemental** API - Added the `shutdown.get_node` **experimental** API - Added the `shutdown.put_node` **experimental** API Snapshots - Added the `index_details` parameter to `snapshot.get` API Text Structure - Changed the `text_structure.find_structure` API from **experimental** to **stable** ``` ### 7.12.1 ``` APIs Text Structure - Changed the `text_structure.find_text_structure` API from **experimental** to **stable** ``` ### 7.12.0 ``` APIs Autoscaling - Changed `autoscaling.delete_autoscaling_policy`, `autoscaling.get_autoscaling_policy`, and `autoscaling.put_autoscaling_policy` APIs from **experimental** to **stable** EQL - Added `eql.get_status` API Logash - Added `logstash.delete_pipeline`, `logstash.get_pipeline`, and `logstash.put_pipeline` APIs Machine Learning - Removed the **experimental** `ml.find_text_structure` API Searchable Snapshots - Added `storage` parameter to the `searchable_snapshots.mount` API - Added `level` parameter to the `searchable_snapshots.stats` API Search - Added the `min_compatible_shard_node` parameter to `search()` Text Structure - Added **experimental** `text_structure.find_text_structure` API ``` ### 7.11.0 ``` Client Added * Added the ``X-Elastic-Client-Meta`` HTTP header and the ``meta_header`` parameter for controlling the header (1473) * Added ``ElasticsearchWarning`` which is raised when the ``Warning`` HTTP header is returned from Elasticsearch. `ElasticsearchDeprecationWarning` is now an alias for this warning type (1495) APIs Async Search - Added the `async_search.status` API Autoscaling - Added the `autoscaling.get_autoscaling_capacity` **experimental** API - Removed the `autoscaling.get_autoscaling_decision` **experimental** API Cat - Changed `cat.tasks` API parameters `node_id` and `parent_task` to `nodes` and `parent_task_id` Cluster - Changed `cluster.delete_component_template`, `cluster.exists_component_template`, and `cluster.get_component_template`, `cluster.put_component_template` APIs from **experimental** to **stable** EQL - Changed `eql.delete`, `eql.get`, `` APIs from **beta** to **stable** Indices - Added `indices.migrate_to_data_stream` API - Added `indices.promote_data_stream` API - Added `expand_wildcards` parameter to the `indices.delete_data_stream` and `indices.get_data_stream` APIs - Changed `indices.delete_index_template`, `indices.exists_index_template`, `indices.get_index_template`, `indices.put_index_template`, `indices.simulate_index_template`, and `indices.simulate_template` APIs moved from **experimental** to **stable** Machine Learning - Added `ml.upgrade_job_snapshot` API - Added `exclude_generated` parameter to `ml.get_data_frame_analytics`, `ml.get_datafeeds`, `ml.get_jobs`, and `ml.get_trained_models` APIs - Changed `ml.delete_data_frame_analytics`, `ml.delete_trained_model`, `ml.explain_data_frame_analytics`, `ml.get_data_frame_analytics`, `ml.get_data_frame_analytics_stats`, `ml.get_trained_models`, `ml.get_trained_models_stats`, `ml.put_data_frame_analytics`, `ml.put_trained_model`, `ml.start_data_frame_analytics`, `ml.stop_data_frame_analytics`, `ml.update_data_frame_analytics` APIs from **experimental** to **beta** Rollup - Added `rollup.rollup` API Transform - Added `exclude_generated` parameter to `transform.get_transform` API Watcher - Added `watcher.query_watches` API ``` ### 7.11.0b1 ``` Client Added * Added the ``X-Elastic-Client-Meta`` HTTP header and the ``meta_header`` parameter for controlling the header (1473) * Added ``ElasticsearchWarning`` which is raised when the ``Warning`` HTTP header is returned from Elasticsearch. `ElasticsearchDeprecationWarning` is now an alias for this warning type (1495) APIs Async Search - Added the `async_search.status` API Autoscaling - Added the `autoscaling.get_autoscaling_capacity` **experimental** API - Removed the `autoscaling.get_autoscaling_decision` **experimental** API Cat - Changed `cat.tasks` API parameters `node_id` and `parent_task` to `nodes` and `parent_task_id` Cluster - Changed `cluster.delete_component_template`, `cluster.exists_component_template`, and `cluster.get_component_template`, `cluster.put_component_template` APIs from **experimental** to **stable** EQL - Changed `eql.delete`, `eql.get`, `` APIs from **beta** to **stable** Indices - Added `indices.migrate_to_data_stream` API - Added `indices.promote_data_stream` API - Added `expand_wildcards` parameter to the `indices.delete_data_stream` and `indices.get_data_stream` APIs - Changed `indices.delete_index_template`, `indices.exists_index_template`, `indices.get_index_template`, `indices.put_index_template`, `indices.simulate_index_template`, and `indices.simulate_template` APIs moved from **experimental** to **stable** Machine Learning - Added `ml.upgrade_job_snapshot` API - Added `exclude_generated` parameter to `ml.get_data_frame_analytics`, `ml.get_datafeeds`, `ml.get_jobs`, and `ml.get_trained_models` APIs - Changed `ml.delete_data_frame_analytics`, `ml.delete_trained_model`, `ml.explain_data_frame_analytics`, `ml.get_data_frame_analytics`, `ml.get_data_frame_analytics_stats`, `ml.get_trained_models`, `ml.get_trained_models_stats`, `ml.put_data_frame_analytics`, `ml.put_trained_model`, `ml.start_data_frame_analytics`, `ml.stop_data_frame_analytics`, `ml.update_data_frame_analytics` APIs from **experimental** to **beta** Rollup - Added `rollup.rollup` API Transform - Added `exclude_generated` parameter to `transform.get_transform` API Watcher - Added `watcher.query_watches` API ``` ### 7.10.1 ``` Client Fixed * Fixed issue where the Scan helper would fail if a `scroll` response returned without a value for `_shards.skipped` ([1451]( * Fixed handling of IPv6 hosts with a port in the computed ```` property ([1460]( * Fixed documented task management API stability, should have been "experimental" ([1471]( Changed * Changed deprecated `collections.Mapping` in favor of `` for Python 3.9 ([1443]( ``` ### 7.10.0 ``` Client Added * Added support for Elasticsearch 7.10 APIs * Added basic type stubs for static type checking and IDE auto-complete of API parameters ([1297](, [#1406]( * Added support for [Optimistic Concurrency Control options]( (``_if_seq_no``/``_if_primary_term``) to bulk helpers ([#1387]( * Added support for passing ``_source`` with ``"_op_type": "update"`` bulk helpers ([1387]( * Added API stability to doc-strings of API methods and documentation ([1410]( Removed * Removed explicit ``yarl`` dependency from ``[async]`` extra to avoid issue where pip would override ``aiohttp``'s pin of ``yarl``. This was not a problem if you install with ``--use-feature=2020-resolver``. Users should see no changes. ([1401]( Fixed * Fixed bug where ``Connection.log_request_failure()`` call would receive the compressed HTTP body rather than uncompressed when an error is raised for ``RequestsHttpConnection`` ([1394]( * Fixed a typo in AsyncTransport where ``sniff_timeout`` was used instead of ``sniffer_timeout`` ([1431](, contributed by HarrySky) Basic APIs Snapshot * Added `snapshot.clone` method Index * Added `require_alias` parameter to multiple index APIs X-Pack APIs Point in Time * Added `close_point_in_time` and `open_point_in_time` methods Security * Added `security.clear_api_key_cache` and `security.grant_api_key` methods Machine Learning * Deprecated `allow_no_jobs` parameter of `cat.ml_jobs` and `ml.close_job`, `ml.get_job_stats`, `ml.get_jobs`, `ml.get_overall_buckets` methods in favor of `allow_no_match` parameter * Deprecated `allow_no_datafeeds` parameter of `ml.get_datafeed_stats`, `ml.get_datafeeds`, `ml.stop_datafeed` in favor of `allow_no_match` parameter * Deprecated `include_model_definition` parameter of `ml.get_trained_models` method in favor of `include` parameter ``` ### 7.10.0a2 ``` Added * Added support for Elasticsearch 7.10 APIs * Added basic type stubs for static type checking and IDE auto-complete of API parameters ([1297](, [#1406]( * Added support for [Optimistic Concurrency Control options]( (``_if_seq_no``/``_if_primary_term``) to bulk helpers ([#1387]( * Added support for passing ``_source`` with ``"_op_type": "update"`` bulk helpers ([1387]( Removed * Removed explicit ``yarl`` dependency from ``[async]`` extra to avoid issue where pip would override ``aiohttp``'s pin of ``yarl``. This was not a problem if you install with ``--use-feature=2020-resolver``. Users should see no changes. ([1401]( Fixed * Fixed bug where ``Connection.log_request_failure()`` call would receive the compressed HTTP body rather than uncompressed when an error is raised for ``RequestsHttpConnection`` ([1394]( ``` ### 7.10.0a1 ``` Added * Added support for Elasticsearch 7.10 APIs * Added basic type stubs for static type checking and IDE auto-complete of API parameters ([1297]( * Added support for [Optimistic Concurrency Control options]( (``_if_seq_no``/``_if_primary_term``) to bulk helpers ([#1387]( * Added support for passing ``_source`` with ``"_op_type": "update"`` bulk helpers ([1387]( Removed * Removed explicit ``yarl`` dependency from ``[async]`` extra to avoid issue where pip would override ``aiohttp``'s pin of ``yarl``. This was not a problem if you install with ``--use-feature=2020-resolver``. Users should see no changes. ([1401]( Fixed * Fixed bug where ``Connection.log_request_failure()`` call would receive the compressed HTTP body rather than uncompressed when an error is raised for ``RequestsHttpConnection`` ([1394]( ```
Links - PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: