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Pin elasticsearch to latest version 7.7.1 #58

Closed pyup-bot closed 4 years ago

pyup-bot commented 4 years ago

This PR pins elasticsearch to the latest release 7.7.1.

Changelog ### 7.7.1 ``` ------------------ * Updated ``create``, ``update``, ``explain``, ``get_source``, and ``termvectors`` APIs to use non-deprecated Elasticsearch API routes when ``doc_type`` is not specified to suppress deprecation warnings (See `1253`_) .. _1253: ``` ### 7.7.0 ``` ------------------ * Added support for ES 7.7 APIs (See `1182`_) * Added ``ElasticsearchDeprecationWarning`` which is raised when a ``Warning`` HTTP header is sent by Elasticsearch. (See `1179`_) * Added support for serializing ``numpy`` and ``pandas``. data types to ``JSONSerializer``. (See `1180`_) * Added ``certifi`` as a dependency so HTTPS connections work automatically. * Fixed duplicated parameters in some API docstrings (See `1169`_, thanks to `Morten Hauberg <>`_!) .. _1169: .. _1179: .. _1180: .. _1182: ``` ### 7.6.0 ``` ------------------ * Added support for ES 7.6 APIs * Added support for `X-Opaque-Id`_ to identify long-running tasks * Added support for HTTP compression to ``RequestsHttpConnection`` * Updated default setting of ``http_compress`` when using ``cloud_id`` to ``True`` * Updated default setting of ``sniffing`` when using ``cloud_id`` to ``False`` * Updated default port to ``443`` if ``cloud_id`` and no other port is defined on the client or within ``cloud_id`` * Updated ``GET`` HTTP requests that contain a body to ``POST`` where the API allows this to fix proxies rejecting these requests. * Fix regression of ``client.cluster.state()`` where the default ``metric`` should be set to ``"_all"`` if an index is given (See `1143`_) * Fix regression of ``client.tasks.get()`` without a ``task_id`` having similar functionality to ``client.tasks.list()`` This will be removed in ``v8.0`` of ``elasticsearch-py`` (See `1157`_) .. _X-Opaque-Id: .. _1143: .. _1157: ``` ### 7.5.1 ``` ------------------ ``` ### 7.5.0 ``` ----- * All API is now auto generated * deprecated the ``.xpack`` namespace * Update client to support ES 7.5 APIs ``` ### 7.1.0 ``` ------------------ * Fix sniffing with ``http.publish_host`` * Fix ``request_timeout`` for ``indices`` APIs * Allow access to ``x-pack`` features without ``xpack`` namespace * Fix mark dead ``` ### 7.0.5 ``` ------------------ * Fix ``verify_certs=False`` ``` ### 7.0.4 ``` ------------------ * Fix wheel distribution ``` ### 7.0.3 ``` ------------------ * remove sleep in retries * pass ``scroll_id`` through body in ``scroll`` * add ``user-agent`` ``` ### 7.0.2 ``` ------------------ * Add connection parameter for Elastic Cloud cloud_id. * ML client uses client object for _bulk_body requests ``` ### 7.0.1 ``` ------------------ * Use black to format the code. * Update the test matrix to only use current pythons and 7.x ES * Blocking pool must fit thread_count * Update client to support missing ES 7 API's and query params. ``` ### 7.0.0 ``` ------------------ * Removed deprecated option ``update_all_types``. * Using insecure SSL configuration (``verify_cert=False``) raises a warning, this can be not showed with ``ssl_show_warn=False`` * Add support for 7.x api's in Elasticsearch both xpack and oss flavors ``` ### 6.8.1 ``` ------------------ * Added support for serializing ``numpy`` and ``pandas`` data types to ``JSONSerializer``. (See `1180`_) * Fixed a namespace conflict in ``elasticsearch6`` wheel distribution for ``v6.8.0`` (See `1186`_) .. _1180: .. _1186: ``` ### 6.8.0 ``` ------------------ * Added support for HTTP compression to ``RequestsHttpConnection`` * Updated cloud_id default port * Enable HTTP compression and disable sniffing by default when using Cloud ID to connect to ES. * Updated versioning scheme to match ES major.minor ``` ### 6.3.0 ``` ------------------ * Add an exponential wait on delays * Fix issues with dependencies * Adding X-pack Docs * Adding forecast to x-pack ML client ``` ### 6.2.0 ``` ------------------ * cleanup for SSL Context * Add X-Pack clients to -py * Adding Gzip support for capacity constrained networks * ``_routing`` in bulk action has been deprecated in ES. Introduces a breaking change if you use ``routing`` as a field in your documents. ``` ### 6.1.1 ``` ------------------ * Updates to SSLContext logic to make it easier to use and have saner defaults. * Doc updates ``` ### 6.1.0 ``` ------------------ * bad release ``` ### 6.0.0 ``` ------------------ * compatibility with Elasticsearch 6.0.0 ``` ### 5.6.4 ``` * fix handling of UTF-8 surrogates ``` ### 5.5.0 ``` ------------------ * ``streaming_bulk`` helper now supports retries with incremental backoff * ``scan`` helper properly checks for successful shards instead of just checking ``failed`` ``` ### 5.4.0 ``` ------------------ * ``bulk`` helpers now extract ``pipeline`` parameter from the action dictionary. ``` ### 5.3.0 ``` ------------------ * Compatibility with elasticsearch 5.3 ``` ### 5.2.0 ``` ------------------ * The client now automatically sends ``Content-Type`` http header set to ``application/json``. If you are explicitly passing in other encoding than ``json`` you need to set the header manually. ``` ### 5.1.0 ``` ------------------ * Fixed sniffing ``` ### 5.0.1 ``` ------------------ * Fixed performance regression in ``scan`` helper ``` ### 5.0.0 ``` ------------------ * Version compatible with elasticsearch 5.0 * when using SSL certificate validation is now on by default. Install ``certifi`` or supply root certificate bundle. * ``elasticsearch.trace`` logger now also logs failed requests, signature of internal logging method ``log_request_fail`` has changed, all custom connection classes need to be updated * added ``headers`` arg to connections to support custom http headers * passing in a keyword parameter with ``None`` as value will cause that param to be ignored ``` ### 2.4.0 ``` ------------------ * ``ping`` now ignores all ``TransportError`` exceptions and just returns ``False`` * expose ``scroll_id`` on ``ScanError`` * increase default size for ``scan`` helper to 1000 * Internal: changed ``Transport.perform_request`` to just return the body, not status as well. ``` ### 2.3.0 ``` ------------------ * added ``client_key`` argument to configure client certificates * debug logging now includes response body even for failed requests ``` ### 2.2.0 ``` ------------------ * Due to change in json encoding the client will no longer mask issues with encoding - if you work with non-ascii data in python 2 you must use the ``unicode`` type or have proper encoding set in your environment. * adding additional options for ssh - ``ssl_assert_hostname`` and ``ssl_assert_fingerprint`` to the default connection class * fix sniffing ``` ### 2.1.0 ``` ------------------ * move multiprocessing import inside parallel bulk for Google App Engine ``` ### 2.0.0 ``` ------------------ ``` ### 1.8.0 ``` ------------------ * removed thrift and memcached connections, if you wish to continue using those, extract the classes and use them separately. * added a new, parallel version of the bulk helper using thread pools * In helpers, removed ``bulk_index`` as an alias for ``bulk``. Use ``bulk`` instead. ``` ### 1.7.0 ``` ------------------ * elasticsearch 2.0 compatibility * thrift now deprecated, to be removed in future version * make sure urllib3 always uses keep-alive ``` ### 1.6.0 ``` ------------------ * Add ``indices.flush_synced`` API * ``helpers.reindex`` now supports reindexing parent/child documents ``` ### 1.5.0 ``` ------------------ * Add support for ``query_cache`` parameter when searching * helpers have been made more secure by changing defaults to raise an exception on errors * removed deprecated options ``replication`` and the deprecated benchmark api. * Added ``AddonClient`` class to allow for extending the client from outside ``` ### 1.4.0 ``` ------------------ * Using insecure SSL configuration (``verify_cert=False``) raises a warning * ``reindex`` accepts a ``query`` parameter * enable ``reindex`` helper to accept any kwargs for underlying ``bulk`` and ``scan`` calls * when doing an initial sniff (via ``sniff_on_start``) ignore special sniff timeout * option to treat ``TransportError`` as normal failure in ``bulk`` helpers * fixed an issue with sniffing when only a single host was passed in ``` ### 1.3.0 ``` ------------------ * Timeout now doesn't trigger a retry by default (can be overriden by setting ``retry_on_timeout=True``) * Introduced new parameter ``retry_on_status`` (defaulting to ``(503, 504)``) controls which http status code should lead to a retry. * Implemented url parsing according to RFC-1738 * Added support for proper SSL certificate handling * Required parameters are now checked for non-empty values * ConnectionPool now checks if any connections were defined * DummyConnectionPool introduced when no load balancing is needed (only one connection defined) * Fixed a race condition in ConnectionPool ``` ### 1.2.0 ``` ------------------ * Compatibility with newest (1.3) Elasticsearch APIs. * Filter out master-only nodes when sniffing * Improved docs and error messages ``` ### 1.1.1 ``` ------------------ * Bugfix release fixing escaping issues with ``request_timeout``. ``` ### 1.1.0 ``` ------------------ * Compatibility with newest Elasticsearch APIs. * Test helpers - ``ElasticsearchTestCase`` and ``get_test_client`` for use in your tests * Python 3.2 compatibility * Use ``simplejson`` if installed instead of stdlib json library * Introducing a global ``request_timeout`` parameter for per-call timeout * Bug fixes ``` ### 1.0 ``` compatible with 0.90 elasticsearch. * major breaking change - compatible with 1.0 elasticsearch releases only! * Add an option to change the timeout used for sniff requests (``sniff_timeout``). * empty responses from the server are now returned as empty strings instead of None * ``get_alias`` now has ``name`` as another optional parameter due to issue 4539 in es repo. Note that the order of params have changed so if you are not using keyword arguments this is a breaking change. ``` ### 1.0.0 ``` ------------------ ``` ### 0.4.4 ``` ------------------ * ``helpers.bulk_index`` renamed to ``helpers.bulk`` (alias put in place for backwards compatibility, to be removed in future versions) * Added ``helpers.streaming_bulk`` to consume an iterator and yield results per operation * ``helpers.bulk`` and ``helpers.streaming_bulk`` are no longer limited to just index operations. * unicode body (for ``incices.analyze`` for example) is now handled correctly * changed ``perform_request`` on ``Connection`` classes to return headers as well. This is a backwards incompatible change for people who have developed their own connection class. * changed deserialization mechanics. Users who provided their own serializer that didn't extend ``JSONSerializer`` need to specify a ``mimetype`` class attribute. * minor bug fixes ``` ### 0.4.3 ``` ------------------ * Fixes to ``helpers.bulk_index``, better error handling * More benevolent ``hosts`` argument parsing for ``Elasticsearch`` * ``requests`` no longer required (nor recommended) for install ``` ### 0.4.2 ``` ------------------ * ``ignore`` param accepted by all APIs * Fixes to ``helpers.bulk_index`` ``` ### 0.4.1 ``` ------------------ * Initial release. ```
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