ducksboard / gridster.js

gridster.js is a jQuery plugin that makes building intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns
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Problem to load serialize gridster - wrong widget position #330

Closed sosoriov closed 10 years ago

sosoriov commented 10 years ago

I have a problem to load a gridster from serialize object.

Some of my widgets don't appear in the correct position, but in the serialize object they are ok:

My original gridster is:


After serialize and load it appears


This is the serialize object


Any idea of it?


BarryatVendorpages commented 10 years ago

Im facing the same problem...

sosoriov commented 10 years ago

I still have the problem, any idea?

BarryatVendorpages commented 10 years ago

this probaly makes no sense:

BarryatVendorpages commented 10 years ago

But the same goes for you, if you want a function to see what I mean let me know ;)

sosoriov commented 10 years ago

@BarryatVendorpages it would be very useful for me thanks (y)

BarryatVendorpages commented 10 years ago
//Sorts tiles according to position
jQuery.fn.tileposition = function() {
    //Gets tile's row
pos = new Array();
$.each(this, function(i,object){
    row = $(object).attr('data-row');
    pos[i] = {'row' : row, 'current' : i};

//Sorts tiles position acording to row
sortedpos = pos.sort(function(a,b) {
return parseInt(a.row,10) - parseInt(b.row,10);

//Creates posarray used below to sort object
posarray = new Array();
$.each(sortedpos, function(i,value){
    posarray[i] = value.current;

// get copy of DOM element array
var copy = this.toArray();

// don't exceed bounds of arrays
var len = Math.min(posarray.length, copy.length);

for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    var index = posarray[i];
    // make sure incoming index is within bounds of DOM object array
    if (index < copy.length) {         
        // put the index item into the i location
        this[i] = copy[index];
return this;

// The above function basically just reorders dom elements/widget into the appropriate order returning another object... at which point I save each value into a database one after another, later each is recalled in appropriate order, gridster is initiated and all is OKAY :D Sorry about the mess of the above function, be sure to optimize it. Its just a rough.

var correctlistofwidgets = $('#listofwigets > li').tileposition();    

Good Luck

JulienVerkest commented 10 years ago

@BarryatVendorpages Thanks! Your function solves my problem.

sosoriov commented 10 years ago

@BarryatVendorpages Thanks!!! It works

topherreynoso commented 10 years ago

Here's a rails helper of the same, in case anyone needs it:

def dashboard_ordered(widgets)
  pos = []
  widgets.each_with_index do |widget,i|
    row = widget['row']
    pos[i] = { row: row, current: i }
  sortedpos = pos.sort_by{|widget| widget[:row]}
  posarray = []
  sortedpos.each_with_index do |widget,i|
    posarray[i] = widget[:current]
  copy = widgets.dup
  len = posarray.count 
  len = copy.count if copy.count < posarray.count
  i = 0
  while i < len
    index = posarray[i]
    if index < copy.count
      widgets[i] = copy[index]
    i += 1
  return widgets