ducksboard / gridster.js

gridster.js is a jQuery plugin that makes building intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns
MIT License
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Resize doesn't worked #592

Open ctu212 opened 7 years ago

ctu212 commented 7 years ago

I want to do resize like this:

    resize: {
        enabled: true,
        max_size: [8, 8],
        min_size: [1, 1] }

but resize doesn't worked and even the image of resize disappeared. Does anyone have any idea what can i do to make the grids resizable ? Thanks!

lhsunzhuoran commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem,through the source code,there is an error in line 2278 with the latest release. replace the line 2278 with “limit: { width: this.options.max_cols !== Infinity || this.options.limit.width, height: this.options.max_rows !== Infinity || this.options.limit.height },”,the problem will be solve.

pmmcmullen94 commented 6 years ago

Old ticket, but still open. I just had this issue. I fixed it by adding the max_cols and max_rows attributes. Maybe max_size isn't working properly?