duct-framework / duct

Server-side application framework for Clojure
MIT License
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Ambiguous key error when deriving from :duct.profile/base in duct_hierarchy.edn file #77

Closed scottlowe closed 6 years ago

scottlowe commented 6 years ago

I have created a new Duct project with the latest alpha template in order to understand the upgrade process, before attempting to upgrade a much more complex codebase. The template arguments supplied were as follows:

lein new duct-alpha my-app +ataraxy +cljs +example +site

I then proceeded to follow the latest UPGRADING.md instructions by adding a migrations.edn file to my-app/resources. The migrations file contained only one simple example key.

I then added the following line to config.edn, before the #duct/include "dev" line:

:duct.profile/migrations #duct/include "migrations"

And to duct_hierarchy.edn:

:duct.profile/migrations [:duct.profile/base]

When prepping the app, I saw the following Exception:

(dev) (prep)
=> :loaded
Evaluation error (ExceptionInfo) at integrant.core/ambiguous-key-exception (core.cljc:71).
Ambiguous key: :duct.profile/base. Found multiple candidates: :duct.profile/base, :duct.profile/migrations