duct-framework / module.cljs

Duct module for developing and compiling ClojureScript
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Hard to set the figwheel configurations #5

Open zerg000000 opened 7 years ago

zerg000000 commented 7 years ago

Currently, the the figwheel configuration will be generated by figwheel-config

(defn- figwheel-config [path main]
   {:css-dirs ^:displace ["resources" "dev/resources"]
    :builds   ^:displace
    [{:id           "dev"
      :figwheel     true
      :source-paths ["dev/src" "src" ]
      {:main       main
       :output-to  (str path "/js/main.js")
       :output-dir (str path "/js")
       :asset-path "/js"
       :closure-defines {'goog.DEBUG true}
       :verbose    false
       :preloads   '[devtools.preload]
       :optimizations :none}}]}})  

which is hard to change like ':figwheel {:on-jsload "..."}', the only option is to override all the figwheel config. when people needs multi builds (e.g. js per page, serverside rendering specific js) for development would be really hard to change the config.

Currently, I could only hard code all the configs under :duct.server/figwheel and :duct.compiler/cljs. It is not ideal, since the path and main would be hard-coded.

Would it be any better way to do it? like the boot-reload, .cljs.edn?

weavejester commented 7 years ago

I was considering making :builds take a map, making it easier to override in the configuration itself. So you could write:

{:builds {:main {:figwheel {:on-jsload "..."}}}}

But that functionality relies on me releasing duct/core 0.5.0 first.

Another thing I've been playing around with is to put common options in the module itself, but I haven't decided how that will take shape.

What do you mean by "like the boot-reload, .cljs.edn"?

zerg000000 commented 7 years ago


boot-cljs and boot-reload use individual build infos in .cljs.edn in the resource path, each contains map like this

{:require  [foo.bar baz.baf]
 :init-fns [foo.bar/init baz.baf/doit]
 :compiler-options {:target :nodejs}}

so the cljs compiler and cljs reloader could guess the output path from the .cljs.edn location and share the same piece of build info

weavejester commented 7 years ago

Ideally we don't want any piece of configuration outside Integrant, as then we lose all the benefits of modules.