dudapiotr / ZfTable

*Not supported*ZfTable 3.1. Awesome ZF2 table / grid (and much much more) generator with huge possibilities of decorating and conditioning. Integrated with DataTables, Doctrine 2, Bootstrap 2.0 and 3.0.
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Datatables 1.10 - How to Use: #26

Closed drchav closed 9 years ago

drchav commented 9 years ago

Here some update n datables 1.10

<?php /**

namespace Core\DataTables;

use ZfTable\Params\AbstractAdapter; use ZfTable\Params\AdapterInterface; use ZfTable\Table\Exception;

class ParamAdapterDataTable extends AbstractAdapter implements AdapterInterface, \Zend\Stdlib\InitializableInterface {

 * @var \ArrayObject | \Zend\Stdlib\ArrayObject
protected $object;

 * @var int
protected $page;

 * @var string
protected $order;

 * @var string
protected $column;

 * @var int
protected $itemCountPerPage;

 * Quick search
 * @var string
protected $quickSearch;

const DEFAULT_PAGE = 1;
const DEFAULT_ORDER = 'asc';

public function __construct($object)
    if ($object instanceof \ArrayObject) {
        $this->object = $object;
    } else if ($object instanceof \Zend\Stdlib\ArrayObject) {
        $this->object = $object;
    } else {
        throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('parameter must be instance of ArrayObject');

 * Init method
public function init()
    $array = $this->object->toArray();

    $this->page = (isset($array['start'])) ? ($array['start'] / $array['length'] + 1) : self::DEFAULT_PAGE;

        $headers = $this->getTable()->getHeaders();
        $slice = array_slice($headers, $array['order'][0]['column'], 1);
        $this->column = key($slice);
    $this->order = (isset($array['order'][0]['dir'])) ? $array['order'][0]['dir'] : self::DEFAULT_ORDER;
    $this->itemCountPerPage = (isset($array['start'])) ? $array['length'] : 20;
    $this->quickSearch = (isset($array['search']['value'])) ? $array['search']['value'] : '';

 * Get page
 * @return int
public function getPage()
    return $this->page;

 * Set page
 * @param string $page
public function setPage($page)
    $this->page = $page;
    return $this;

 * Get order
 * @return string
public function getOrder()
    return $this->order;

 * Set asc or desc ordering
 * @param order $order
public function setOrder($order)
    $this->order = $order;

 * Get column
 * @return string
public function getColumn()
    return ($this->column == '') ? null : $this->column;

 * @param string $column
 * @return \ZfTable\Params\AdapterArrayObject
public function setColumn($column)
    $this->column = $column;
    return $this;

 * Get item count per page
 * @return int
public function getItemCountPerPage()
    return $this->itemCountPerPage;

 * @param type $itemCountPerPage
public function setItemCountPerPage($itemCountPerPage)
    $this->itemCountPerPage = $itemCountPerPage;

 * Return offset
 * @return int
public function getOffset()
    return ($this->getPage() * $this->getItemCountPerPage()) - $this->getItemCountPerPage();

 * Get quickserach string
 * @return string
public function getQuickSearch()
    return $this->quickSearch;

public function getPureValueOfFilter($key)
    return $this->object[$key];


drchav commented 9 years ago

and in the controlle i made this:

$request = $this->getRequest(); $dataPost = $request->getPost(); $userData = $this->getUserData();

    $adapter = $this->getService('DbAdapter');
    $sql = new Sql($adapter);
    $source = $sql->select()
        ->join(array('b' => 'tblsystem_users'), 'a.userFrom = b.id', array('fullName','userEmail'))
        ->join(array('c' => 'tblsystem_status'), 'a.procStatus = c.id', array('statusName','statusColor'))
        ->where(array("a.userTo" => $userData->getId()));

    $table = new \Core\DataTables\Invoices();
        ->setParamAdapter(new \Core\DataTables\ParamAdapterDataTable($dataPost));

    $dataSource = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($source);
    $exec = $dataSource->execute();

    $dadosCount = $exec->count();

    $dados = json_decode($table->render('dataTableJson'));
    $retorno = array(
        'draw' => $dados->sEcho,
        'recordsTotal' => $dadosCount,
        'recordsFiltered' => $dados->iTotalDisplayRecords,
        'data' => $dados->aaData
    return $this->jsonResponse($retorno);
dudapiotr commented 9 years ago

Thanks, In the next version I will add You changes. I do not close ticket, because it can help other people.

dudapiotr commented 9 years ago

Thanks a lot for You pull request. I've just merged.