dudaster / ele-custom-skin

Create a skin for Elementor Pro Post and Post Archive widgets using Elementor templates
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how to use elementor posts query but via choosing different categories from acf page taxonomy option? #270

Open graffictetd opened 4 years ago

graffictetd commented 4 years ago

how to use elementor posts query but via choosing different categories from acf page taxonomy option? i need to use releshnship acf or taxonomy that customer pick from the page (i made via acf).

but! i am using the ele custom skin and elemntor posts widget and in the query it don't have an option to pull from different categories the posts! i ama using one single via elemntor so i can not choose categories every page has different category and posts.
help pls what solution you have? i want the query will be able to choose an option of acf taxonomy or relationship to choose categories and it will show the posts from the categories chosen from the post created (via single elementor from another topic).

i created two things: services and section of FAQ with categories and adding posts.

i want in the services pages > in each service you will be able to add categorey that pull FAQ posts relevant to the service page.
but in the query post you only can pick in the single by typing inside the single categories and not the option to choose inside each page via acf which categories needed.


dudaster commented 4 years ago

Currently you can do it only applying tags to the posts you want. I’ll keep in mind for the future to be able to choose custom fields as a conditional display

graffictetd commented 4 years ago

how can i do it via tags? where and how pls? :) thanks

graffictetd commented 4 years ago

i need the source in the post widget in the query will be: FAQ and the customer will choose the category of the FAQ. there is no tags :(