dudaster / ele-custom-skin

Create a skin for Elementor Pro Post and Post Archive widgets using Elementor templates
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Ele, ACF Color picker & Elementer post templates #584

Open tore0259 opened 2 years ago

tore0259 commented 2 years ago


When creating an Ele loop with Elementor dynamic post fields - I have different background colors for different pages using the same loop template - however the background color remains the default option for the loop template no matter what the single pages color picker field shows. When using just the template w/o the Elementor dynamic post, the colors changes according to the AFC color picker settings of the current page.

Do you have any solutions to fix this issue?

Thank you, Tore

dudaster commented 2 years ago

is there a way you can choose a fallback value for it?

tore0259 commented 2 years ago

Yes - it is actually the fallback option, not the default option it shows.

dudaster commented 2 years ago

can you provide an URL so I can inspect element. Tried on my part and it is working fine.

tore0259 commented 2 years ago

Yes sure. http://www.dpfudvikling.dk/ny-i-padel/

The red color is the color picker value of that page. The blue color is the fallback that don't get switched in this case. (Which is an ele loop and then put in the elementor post widget)

dudaster commented 2 years ago

I see only one has the acf color picker... Can you make more than one to show?

tore0259 commented 2 years ago

I dont know if i understand you correctly. The loops used on that page has its column color by ACF color picker.