dudaster / ele-custom-skin

Create a skin for Elementor Pro Post and Post Archive widgets using Elementor templates
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Posts Widget Slider Slides Responsive Columns Order Incorrect #643

Open brandcentric opened 2 years ago

brandcentric commented 2 years ago

When using the Posts Widget Loop and "Show in Slider" is enabled, the column counts I use for "Slides to Show" is not working like it should. It seems whatever column count I enter for Desktop mode is actually rendered for Mobile mode on the live site. And then whatever column count I enter for Tablet mode is actually rendered for Desktop mode on the live site. And then whatever column count I enter for Mobile mode is used for Tablet mode on the live site. Can you fix!!!?

Screenshot 2021-12-29 120936
dudaster commented 2 years ago

I know about the issue. It only happens in editor mode. For some reason elementor doesn’t send data settings to the slider tag. We’re working on it. It should work in live.

brandcentric commented 2 years ago

@dudaster, it happens in live mode as well.

dudaster commented 2 years ago

Do you have autoptimize or some js minifier on?

Arudd101 commented 2 years ago

@dudaster Just want to add a +1 to this as I am having the same issue as @brandcentric and it is exactly as he describes it. I did just recently update elementor which then triggered the issue.

Sergijus commented 2 years ago

I just want to confirm this issue as well. For me, tablet one is rendered to mobile live, but somehow, even Number of posts to scroll is set to 1 on all, desktop, tablet and mobile, on mobile it scrolls 2.

All Elementor experiments are inactive, Elementor v 3.4.8 and Pro 3.5.2, no caching plugins, no optimization plugins