duddu / cordova-plugin-antitampering

Verify the integrity of cordova static assets - Android / iOS
MIT License
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Debug detection not working on Android 9 #28

Open WuglyakBolgoink opened 4 years ago

WuglyakBolgoink commented 4 years ago

Hallo @duddu ,

I'm installing plugin into fresh created cordova 9 project and make release build. on my LG Nexus 5 I activated developer settings and usb-debugging. If I start app, plugins should break start and throw app crash. But now app started normal.. Do I need to do some changes for/in last cordova-android settings?

In cordova@8 plugin worked as expected...

WuglyakBolgoink commented 3 years ago


same on iPad v14 and cordova@10 and cordov-ios@6.1.1