dudulaopo833 / Tools-Learning

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Git markdown usage - just for myself refer! #15

Open dudulaopo833 opened 7 years ago

dudulaopo833 commented 7 years ago

First Header: # xxx

Second Header: ## xxx

Third Header: ### xxx

Add a link:
[Example Refer To](http://xxx.xxx.xx.xx) Example : Refer To

Attached Code: use ``

Blond word:
**text to blond**

Italic word: _xxxxx_

Insert a quote: > xxx Example:

xxx xxx

Add a bulleted List: - xxx Example:

Add a number List: 1. xxx Example:

  1. xxx
  2. xxx

Add a task List: - [ ] xxx Example:

Comment: <!-- *Before creating an issue please make sure you are using the latest version of yarn.* -->

Mention a user: @xxx Example : @dudulaopo833

Refer to issue or pull request: #xxx Example: #14

Delete One Line ~The line to delete~ Example: ~The line to delete~