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【翻译】安度访谈 #15

Open EthanLin-TWer opened 8 years ago

EthanLin-TWer commented 8 years ago


Interview with Ando Meritee 与安度的访谈

By Ants Soosõrv, 2005 安茨·索索夫,2005年

How difficult is it to become a world champion as a tournament organizer?

Indeed, it was quite difficult for me to divide my time and energy between two important activities – playing in the tournament and helping to organize it. Fortunately, the organizers team was quite big and effective; therefore I could concentrate on important games quite well. However, at the end of the tournament, I felt really exhausted. But the joy of winning the title and the joy of successful organizing was far more important at that moment.



Some of the sportsmen like Armstrong and Schumacher have been collecting the titles. How many World Champion titles are you going to get?

Renju game is about 5 in a row. I may not be able to get 5 titles in a row, but getting 5 titles in total would be not bad either. I will try my best to win 1 more time. Probably I will be stronger after 2 years than today, because I will have more time for preparation next time and I will not be involved with any organizing matters, but it does not guarantee my victory – some of my opponents might get even stronger than that. If I play renju until 90 years old, that means I can theoretically participate in 30 more World Championships. The chances to get at least 1 more title are not so small, maybe.



How do you evaluate the games of this championship in the scale of boring-exciting? How big was the creative part? Whom would you point out in that aspect?

I think the creative part has become really small, unfortunately. Several players did not try anything new during the whole tournament. That speaks of opening rules problem or about a tendency where the boring style can be quite effective in the aspect of score – the frequent sure-draw variants can help the player to collect nearly 50% of points even with less skill. Sushkov was traditionally quite creative. I like his style. Even though he takes unnecessary risks sometimes, he is usually successful in his decisions. Tord Andersson is creative too, because he simply doesn’t know the ordinary variants. ? My evaluation – the games were not as interesting as in previous championships, but there were still several great ones among them.


不幸,我认为创造性的部分所起的作用已经非常小了。在这次比赛中,有多名选手在开局上没有使用任何新的变化。这也反映了规则上的问题,或者说有这么一种趋势:这样一种“无聊”的棋风在打比赛时的效率反而相当高,一些经典的和棋大定式可以保证棋手取得50%的比分,而技巧的因素则被减少了。说到创造性,苏切科夫(Sushkov)是个典范。我喜欢他的风格。尽管有时他会冒些不必要的风险,但从对局来看效果都挺不错。安德森(Tord Andersson)也是有创造力的棋手,这是由于他对定式不太熟悉之故。如果说让我打分的话,我认为从对局本身来说,总体上没有上一届的对局那么有意思,但其中还是有一些不错的对局。

It is quite clear that it is always possible to improve oneself by increasing the knowledge of theory and experience. Do you see any perspective to improve yourself as a player?

Yes, I can improve myself still. I can learn to be more flexible, to be more unpredictable, and to sharpen my play style, which has become too “positional” recently. It is not too good to master only one style deeply, but to be able to switch on other style when necessary. I guess my problem is that I do not take too many risks because I want to avoid losses. When the opening rules will change, I must start improving my theoretical base as well.



How good do you think are the chances of Estonian team in the coming Team World Championship?

If we play with our best players, then the chances to win the champion title will be a bit over 50%. Russia about 40% (with their best team). All the other countries together – about 10%. The reason is simple – the times when Estonia could offer resistance on 2 or 3 tables are now a history. Today we are already able to give full fight on all 4 tables, and that makes a huge difference in score. Estonia will most likely win the gold finally. Of course, if Nakamura should make comeback together with all the strongest Japanese, it might make the difference, too. But this is very unlikely to happen.



What steps should RIF and the renju players make in order to make renju a recognized mind sport?

I think the progress has been quite good already. Sooner or later the game will have a great leap in popularity. We need good leaders among ourselves, with passion and energy, and love towards renju. Also, we need more teachers and more literature. And most of all, we need to bring this game to children and teach them. Only then the game can have strong roots in our society.

你觉得在连珠运动的推广、普及工作方面,RIF(The Renju International Federation,国际连珠联盟)和棋手们可以做些什么来推动这个进程?


You will soon graduate the EBS University, what are your further plans?

As my major is international business administration, I have several ideas how to relate my knowledge with renju. One of the ideas is to open my own renju school in Asia. Some years ago it seemed like an impossible plan for me, but now, having learned a lot about how to create a new organization and manage it, I am sure it is doable. I have several other ideas as well, which are not related to renju. But these are not so interesting for readers, perhaps. Anyway I will be active in the world of renju. So don’t worry – I will not disappear.

你马上就要从EBS(一般作University of Business and Law,欧洲商学院-经济与法律大学)大学毕业了,接下来的计划是什么?
