dudumiquim / GOIP-PHP

A small PHP program to send SMS messages using a GOIP GSM Gateway with command line.
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Cant send sms when goip behind NAT #1

Open wertungman opened 4 years ago

wertungman commented 4 years ago

Im trying to send sms using send.php and its doesnt work ,, but native sms server works perfectlly with this device and line

mizirjx commented 4 years ago

Did you try this format? $ php send.php 0121212123 "Hello World!"

What was the error dod you get?

wertungman commented 4 years ago

Yes I tied every thing http://prntscr.com/qehzjc http://prntscr.com/qehzwx http://prntscr.com/qehzqt http://prntscr.com/qei00q http://prntscr.com/qei05q http://prntscr.com/qei0ck

Also I tried to use goip web_interface ip login pass in config file

wertungman commented 4 years ago

Also I renamed settings_dist.php to settings.php.. It seem the problem is that is actually closed and your script on cant send packets there .. but the strange thing is that another external native goip sms server can send sms from this goip device over udp . without port fowarding .. I only set this settings for chines sms server - http://prntscr.com/qei2zf and its works no need to open port 9991/9992