dudung / nt6094-01-2023-2

Scientific Journal Writing class in 2023-2 semester
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Assignment 03 -- 28 Feb 2024 #5

Closed dudung closed 2 weeks ago

dudung commented 4 months ago
iirrkkhaamm commented 4 months ago

good evening, here I attach the link for the third assignment regarding the introduction journal article : https://medium.com/@irkhammm24/implementation-of-mgo-zein-nanocomposites-to-improve-anti-bacteria-characteristics-of-mouthwash-83c79ef69f85

RusdiaSugiana commented 4 months ago

I have attached a link to the introduction the article for the third assignment: https://medium.com/@rusdiasugiana/analysis-of-the-optical-properties-of-carbon-dots-material-in-various-solvents-and-changes-in-the-56a4c62ef20f

syadzaaa commented 4 months ago

Excuse me, here I attach a link to an assignment about introduction journal articles: https://medium.com/@syadza/fabrication-of-nanocomposites-based-reduced-graphene-oxide-for-supercapacitors-74a98d0b82ad

nisaamandar commented 4 months ago

Good morning, sir. Link below is the assignment I have completed. Thank you in advance. https://medium.com/@nisamanda13/how-i-created-scientific-journal-introduction-scaffold-design-for-wound-dressing-by-pva-collagen-856a5b0560a9

ipwardhani commented 4 months ago

Dear Sir, here I attached the link for assignment 03: https://ipwardhani.medium.com/assignment-3-write-an-introduction-in-a-journal-article-f5051d4d819b

Thank you.

intansalsabila06 commented 4 months ago

Good evening sir. I have completed to publish my introduction. Here I attach a link to an assignment about the introduction. https://medium.com/@intansalsabila0601/fabrication-of-nanofiber-metal-oxide-based-gas-sensors-for-h2s-and-so2-gas-detection-816ef4f37809 Thank you so much.

ayuhanifah commented 4 months ago

Dear Dr.rer.nat.Sparisoma Viridi,

Here I attached my assignment's answer about indroduction in medium link,


Thank you for your assistance

Sincerely, Ayu Hanifah

azicakurnia commented 4 months ago

Dear Sir, here I attached the medium story link for my 3rd assignment https://medium.com/@azica.kurnia/journal-article-introduction-1320d3bf55db

Thank you.

arisulistyowati commented 4 months ago

Here I attach a link to the introductory article for my research topic:


Thank you.

sabrinaghaida commented 4 months ago

Dear Sir,

Here, I am attaching the link for the third assignment for the introduction of the journal article. https://medium.com/@sabrinaghaida/writing-strong-introductions-for-scientific-journals-easy-steps-b08caa3d104a

Thank you.

rizalmuhammadramdhan commented 4 months ago

Dear Sir, here I attached the medium story link for the third assignment for the introduction of the journal article https://medium.com/@rizalmuhammadramdhan12/writing-introduction-for-scientific-journals-9267d5064bf2

Thank you sir

fhaerannisa commented 4 months ago

Good morning Sir,

Here, I have attached the link to the third assignment about introduction of a journal article. https://medium.com/@fhaerannisa/introduction-of-a-journal-article-tips-for-crafting-a-compelling-introduction-07e6c20eee3e

Thank you.

merrydj commented 4 months ago

Dear Sir, here I attached the medium link to the 3rd assignment. https://medium.com/@merry.dije/introduction-of-the-scientific-journal-a741432d4802

Best Regards, Merry

dindactr commented 4 months ago

Dear Sir, here I attached the medium link to the 3rd assignment.


Best Regards, Dinda

rezaaryanto commented 4 months ago

Dear Dr.rer.nat.Sparisoma Viridi,

Here I attached the medium link to the 3rd assignment. https://medium.com/@rezaaryanto01/introduction-of-a-journal-article-assignment-03-nt8098-technical-writing-in-international-journal-6a1fa8a1b6df

Thank you sir Reza Aryanto (32123007)

ririny commented 4 months ago

Dear Sir, here I attached the medium story link for the third assignment for the introduction of the journal article https://medium.com/@ririnyuliantii/journal-article-introduction-tips-on-how-to-write-an-introduction-that-attracts-readers-interest-638999feb377

Thank you, Best Regards, Ririn Yulianti (32123003)

riskaviana20 commented 4 months ago

Dear Dr.rer.nat.Sparisoma Viridi,

I have attached the medium link to the 3rd assignment. https://medium.com/@riskaviana.k/assignment-03-introduction-77c3ebfe22cc

Thank you Riskaviana (32123005)

zahraakbari24 commented 3 months ago

Dear Dr.rer.nat. Sparisoma Viridi,

Here I attached the medium link to the 3rd assignment: https://medium.com/@zahraakbari24/introduction-485b765981f2

Best regards, Zahra Akbari A. (30618001)

agnesindrwt commented 3 months ago

Dear Dr.rer.nat. Sparisoma Viridi,

Here I attached my task 3 about introduction to journal article https://medium.com/@agnesindrwt/assignment-3-introduction-of-journal-article-464e6b2cca60

kwarsarajab commented 3 months ago

Dear Sir, here I attached the link for assignment 03: https://medium.com/@kwarsarajab/harnessing-machine-learning-for-interatomic-potential-analysis-of-bi2o3-9bb97a84f905

sbunganufus commented 3 months ago

Good morning Dr.rer.nat. Sparisoma Viridi.

Here I attach a link to an assignment about introduction journal articles: https://medium.com/@bungarnfss/introduction-of-a-journal-article-multilevel-regression-analysis-with-maximum-likelihood-method-8aa7e26318e5

rikepradila commented 3 months ago

Dear Sir, here I attached the medium link to the 3rd assignment.


Best Regards, Rike Pradila 20923012

Fitrayurid commented 3 months ago

Dear Sir, here I attached a link to the 3rd assignment.


thank you. Best regards, Fitra Yurid (28723001)

nuralifiah commented 3 months ago

good morning sir, here I attached a link to the 3rd assignment.


thank you. Best regards, Nur Alifiah (20923007))