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Latihan 25 Maret 2023 -- markdown #3

Closed dudung closed 1 year ago

dudung commented 1 year ago

Silakan mencoba contoh markdown yang diberikan dengan memberikan komentar di bawah ini.

Normal and bold and also bold Normal and Italic and also italic

aad169 commented 1 year ago


testing 1.\ testing 2.\ ~testing 3~.\ end.



  1. Nol
    • Satu
    • Dua
      1. Tiga
    • Empat
      1. Lima
      2. Enam
  2. Tujuh
    1. Delapan
    2. Sembilan
      • Sepuluh
      • Sebelas
        1. Dua belas


fungsi hitung(angka1, angka2) untuk menghitung jumlah angka 1 dan 2


--testing dengan pewarnaan sql
select a.nama, b.nilai
from karyawan a 
left join grade b on a.nid = b.nid


logo itb jpg

inassuha commented 1 year ago

Normal and bold and also bold

dwy-prasat commented 1 year ago

Normal and Bold and ~Coretan~

veralaksa commented 1 year ago

Latihan : Nama : Vera Elysa Risti Alamat : Sukoharjo, ~Jawa Barat~ Jawa Tengah

zains2itbdatascience commented 1 year ago

Data Diri Mahasiswa

Nama : Zainuddin Jurusan : Sains Data dan Pengelolaan Energi Listrik Universitas : ~univesitas~ Institut Teknologi Bandung

Makanan Favorit

ghafuraws commented 1 year ago

Normal tebal dan bold miring dan miring ~salah~

nilampuspita commented 1 year ago

Hi, my Name is Nilam From UP3 Makassar Utara ~Example~

You can find me on GitHub

RizkiNovitriPutri commented 1 year ago
  1. mulai
    • 1 test \
    • 2 test \
    • 3 test \

abc def ~ghi~

afinsani commented 1 year ago



ghafuraws commented 1 year ago

Google Klik

dwy-prasat commented 1 year ago

My name is Dwi Putra Prasatya

You can find repositories on GitHub You can find me on LinkedIn

RizkiNovitriPutri commented 1 year ago
def add(x, y):
  z = x + y
  return z


sun is flower

green leaf jpg

adityaadiaksa commented 1 year ago

Normal and bold and also bold Normal and italic and also italic Normal and ~strikethrough~


ghafuraws commented 1 year ago
  1. Nol
    1. Satu
    2. Dua
      1. Tiga
    3. Empat
      1. Lima
      2. Enam
  2. Tujuh
    1. Delapan
    2. Sembilan
      1. Sepuluh
  3. Sebelas
dwy-prasat commented 1 year ago

green leaf png

adityaadiaksa commented 1 year ago

Kalimat 1. Kalimat 2. Kalimat 3. Semua baris kata disini.

adityaadiaksa commented 1 year ago

1st sentence. 2nd sentence. 3rd setence. All sentences are in a paragraph.

galiharisona commented 1 year ago

SK5003 Galih Arisona


aliefpascal commented 1 year ago

Latihan-Alief Pascal T Markdown

Good Morning,

Hello everyone, my name is Alief Pascal. This is my first time writing a blog post, and I want to share how I learned to code in Python. Although I couldn't code before, my company urged me to learn it.

This is my diary of learning Python that I want to share with all of you. I hope you enjoy it.

Here is my coding training schedule for next week:

Day Activity
Sunday Basic Syntax
Monday Variables
Tuesday Conditional
Wednesday Function
Thursday List
Friday tuples

These are some examples of my coding:

def add(x, y):
  z = x + y
  return z

And here are some references that may be helpful for you. (https://roadmap.sh/python) green leaf jpg Thank you!

inassuha commented 1 year ago

Normal and bold and also bold

Normal and bold and also bold




Each sentence is in each paragraph.

titobagasw commented 1 year ago

Latihan Mark Down

I. Huruf Tebal dan Miring

tebal juga tebal miring juga miring ~strikethrough~

II. Unordered List

III. Ordered list

  1. Satu
    1. Satu
      1. Aku Sayang ~maksimal 4 tingkatan~
  2. Ibu

IV. Blockquote

Institut Teknologi Bandung

Menggapai Martabat Bangsa dan Reputasi Dunia


:-: :-: :-: :-: :-: :-: Energy Energy store Renewable or non-renewable Uses Power output Impact on environment
Fossil fuels (oil, coal and natural gases) Chemical Non-renewable Transport, heating, electricity generation High Releases CO2 (causes global warming)
Nuclear fuels Nuclear Non-renewable Electricity generation Very high Radioactive waste (needs to be disposed of safely)
Biofuel Chemical Renewable Transport, heating, electricity generation Medium Carbon-neutral so low impact
Wind Kinetic Renewable Electricity generation Very low Take up large areas that could be used for farming, people say windmill spoil their view
Hydroelectricity Gravitational potential Renewable Electricity generation Medium Local habitats are affected by the large areas that need to be flooded to build dams
Geothermal Internal Renewable Electricity generation, heating Medium Very low
Tides Kinetic Renewable Electricity generation Potentially very high but hard to harness Tidal barrages can blocks sewage which needs to go out to sea
Sun Nuclear Renewable Electricity generation Potentially very high, but hard to harness Very little
Water waves Kinetic Renewable Electricity generation Low Very low

####### Bab ~batas maksimal 6 subsection~

Andinikma19 commented 1 year ago

Warung Barokah

Menu Harga Tersedia/Habis
Ayam Goreng 30k Ada
Nasi Goreng 15k Ada
Ayam Geprek 20k Ada
Soto 25k Habis
listynirmala commented 1 year ago

1st sentence. 2nd sentence. 3rd setence. All sentences are in a paragraph.

listynirmala commented 1 year ago

satu \ dua \ tiga \

RizkiNovitriPutri commented 1 year ago
Day Hour Condition
Sunday 2.0 Good
Monday 2.5 Medium
Tuesday 0 Bad
Wednesday 1 Not so bad
Thursday 2 Better
Friday 4 Good
listynirmala commented 1 year ago
RizkiNovitriPutri commented 1 year ago
Nama Gambar
Bunga green leaf png
Huruf green leaf png
Angka green leaf png
RizkiNovitriPutri commented 1 year ago

The equation is $y = ax^2 + bx + c$, where

$$\tag{1} x_{1,2} = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a} $$

are the roots.

moestika commented 1 year ago



sub judul


zuhrirachman commented 1 year ago

Monday, then \ Tuesday, then \ Wednesday, then \ ~Tuesday~, ups I mean \ Thursday, then \ Friday, then \ Saturday, and the last is \ Sunday

RizkiNovitriPutri commented 1 year ago
flowchart TB
  B --> I --> D
  D --Y--> O1a
  D --N--> O2a
  O1b --> P1 --> P3 --> O3a
  O2b --> P2 --> P3
  O3b --> O --> E
  P1["Process 1"]
  P2["Process 2"]
  P3["Process 3"]
SatrioYolandanu commented 1 year ago

Coba Belajar Markdown

Day Hour Class
Senin 3.0 Sistem Hybrida Energi
Selasa 2.0 Numerik Lanjur
Rabu 1 Numerik Lanjut
Kamis 2 Algoritma Perangkat Lunak
Jum'at 0 Tidak Ada Kuliah
Sabtu 2 Pemrograman Dalam Sains

Ari Yagami

Nama : Satrio Yolandanu.

Ada Ari aku yang lari.

Yaksuwa commented 1 year ago
def add(x, y):
  z = x + y
  return z
eidelbert commented 1 year ago


BAB 1.1

BAB 1.1.1


afinsani commented 1 year ago
Material Density(g/cm3) Material Density(g/cm3)
Alumunium 2.64 Iron(cast) 7.21
Brass 8.55 Iron(wrough) 7.77
Coal(anthacite 1.51 Marble 2.56
Ice 0.92 Wood dry (red oak) 0.70
SatrioYolandanu commented 1 year ago
Energy Energy store Renewable or non-renewable Uses Power output Impact on environment
Fossil fuels (oil, coal and natural gases) Chemical Non-renewable Transport, heating, electricity generation High Releases CO2 (causes global warming)
Nuclear fuels Nuclear Non-renewable Electricity generation Very high Radioactive waste (needs to be disposed of safely)
Biofuel Chemical Renewable Transport, heating, electricity generation Medium Carbon-neutral so low impact
Wind Kinetic Renewable Electricity generation Very low Take up large areas that could be used for farming, people say windmills spoil their view
Hydroelectricity Gravitational potential Renewable Electricity generation Medium Local habitats are affected by the large areas that need to be flooded to build dams
Geothermal Internal Renewable Electricity generation, heating Medium Very low
Tides Kinetic Renewable Electricity generation Potentially very high but hard to harness Tidal barrages can block sewage which needs to go out to sea
Sun Nuclear Renewable Electricity generation Potentially very high, but hard to harness Very little
Water waves Kinetic Renewable Electricity generation Low Very low