dueapp / Due-macOS

Public issue tracker for Due for macOS. Submit bug reports and feature requests related to Due for macOS.
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Override the system volume to fire notifications at a specified volume (via AppleScript Support?) #235

Open mrehler opened 1 year ago

mrehler commented 1 year ago

I use Due on all my devices, and I’d love a way for it to turn on the system volume on my Mac when a reminder is auto-snoozed. I’m not the smartest automator on the planet, and I know this would mean Due would have to get automation permissions, but I’m guessing that one way of approaching this would be allowing users to have a reminder trigger an AppleScript.

If there’s another, better way of setting system volume to max, please just close this issue off right away.

junjie commented 1 year ago

Hi, currently there is no support for Due reminders to run a script when it becomes due/auto snooze. I'm not sure if it's technically possible for an AppleScript to control the system volume, but I'll file this as a request to override the system volume to fire notifications at a specified volume. Currently macOS does not support critical alerts #127, so if they do then this would probably be resolved.