duffelhq / duffel-api-ruby

Ruby client library for the Duffel API
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Undefined method `suggestions' for DuffelAPI::Client in Ruby Gem #90

Open redareda9 opened 1 year ago

redareda9 commented 1 year ago

Issue: Undefined method `suggestions' for DuffelAPI::Client in Ruby Gem


When attempting to use the suggestions.all method for the DuffelAPI Ruby Gem, an error is thrown indicating that the suggestions method is undefined.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a new Ruby project
  2. Add the DuffelAPI Ruby Gem as a dependency
  3. Attempt to use the suggestions.all method as per the documentation.

Expected behavior

The suggestions.all method should be defined and return a response from the Duffel API.

Actual behavior

The following error is thrown: 12:48:45 web.1 | NoMethodError (undefined method `suggestions' for #<DuffelAPI::Client:0x0000000117734b88 @api_service=#<DuffelAPI::APIService:0x00000001177347f0 @base_url="https://api.duffel.com", @path_prefix="", @connection=#<Faraday::Connection:0x000000011772f3e0 @parallel_manager=nil, @headers={"User-Agent"=>"Faraday v2.7.4"}, @params={}, @options=#<Faraday::RequestOptions (empty)>, @ssl=#<Faraday::SSLOptions (empty)>, @default_parallel_manager=nil, @manual_proxy=false, @builder=#<Faraday::RackBuilder:0x000000011772e198 @adapter=Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp, @handlers=[DuffelAPI::Middlewares::RateLimiter, DuffelAPI::Middlewares::RaiseDuffelErrors]>, @url_prefix=#<URI::HTTPS https://api.duffel.com/>, @proxy=nil>, @headers={"Duffel-Version"=>"v1", "User-Agent"=>"Duffel/v1 duffel_api_ruby/0.4.0", "Content-Type"=>"application/json", "Authorization"=>"Bearer duffel_test_yDzT_SR004Go8qHAmm3eNG9mj1jl4ngiHxHmHXIB1IX"}>> 12:48:45 web.1 | 12:48:45 web.1 | @places = client.suggestions.all(params: { 12:48:45 web.1 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^): 12:48:45 web.1 | 12:48:45 web.1 | app/controllers/places_controller.rb:5:in `search'

Additional Information

Reproducible Demo

require "duffel_api"

duffel = DuffelAPI::Client.new(
  access_token: $YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN

duffel.suggestions.all(params: {
  "query": "heathr"

System Information

Ruby version: 3.1.2p20 DuffelAPI Ruby Gem version: "0.4.0"

ulissesalmeida commented 1 year ago

Hi @redareda9 , when you say "suggestions" do you mean the Places suggestions API?

hoangnguyen1010 commented 8 months ago

@ulissesalmeida I faced the same issue, the cURL worked but not the suggestions method


I have a check on the source code and I don't think there is anything related to /paces/suggestion there 👀 . Did I miss something ?