duffelhq / duffel-components

A javascript library to render ancillaries given some offer data
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DuffelPayments 3d secure issue #295

Open Boozock opened 1 month ago

Boozock commented 1 month ago

Hello! When using the DuffelPayments component to pay for a flight, during payment a redirect to 3d secure occurs, and it turns out that on our side we cannot catch onSuccessfulPayment upon successful payment in order to then call the Duffel API method for ordering a ticket, as a result, the money goes to the Duffel account, but the ticket never ordered. Perhaps there is an option to transfer the URL for a refund from payment, as is usually the case, or there are also some options for returning back to our website with data about successful payment of the order if a transition to third-party services occurs during payment. This problem is on iOS, we use a web view inside a react-native application. How can you help us? Thank you!

andrejak commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, thank you for reporting. To help us prioritise, can you just confirm you've got access to live mode already, as we are currently not accepting new customers on to Duffel Payments?

Boozock commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, live mod is enabled