duffelhq / duffel-components

A javascript library to render ancillaries given some offer data
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[NEXTJS] - Getting Invalid Hook Call with Nextjs #303

Open payal-barfa opened 2 weeks ago

payal-barfa commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug While rendering the DuffelAncillaries component in nextjs. We are getting invalid hook call in the browser console and doesn't work anything.

Version of @duffel/components ^3.7.17

Please add:

  1. duffle lib - ^3.7.17
  2. Using yarn
  3. Framework - Nextjs

Code sample to reproduce `import { DuffelAncillaries } from "@duffel/components";

const Ancillaries = () => { return ( <DuffelAncillaries debug={true} offer_id="fixture_off_1" services={["bags", "seats", "cancel_for_any_reason"]} passengers={[ { id: "pas_0000AUde3KY1SptM6ABSfU", given_name: "Mae", family_name: "Jemison", gender: "f", title: "dr", born_on: "1956-10-17", email: "m.jemison@nasa.gov", phone_number: "+16177562626", }, { id: "pas_0000AUde3KY1SptM6ABSfT", given_name: "Dorothy", family_name: "Green", gender: "f", title: "dr", born_on: "1942-10-17", email: "", phone_number: "", }, ]} onPayloadReady={console.log} /> ); }; ` Also added a condition to render the component once window object is present to ensure localStorage is available, which is required by duffle component to load.

Expected behavior It should render component as we have in react js




See https://reactjs.org/link/invalid-hook-call for tips about how to debug and fix this problem. at Z9 (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/@duffel/components/index.js:37:116163) at Ancillaries at Payment (webpack-internal:///./src/pages/payment.tsx:15:84) at div at Provider (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/react-redux/dist/react-redux.mjs:1053:3) at App (webpack-internal:///./src/pages/_app.tsx:19:11)

Additional context Seems issue is with Z9 component as per logs, that is inside DuffelAncillaries