duffn / dumb-password-rules

A compilation of sites with dumb password rules.
MIT License
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Remove "dumb" from project #500

Open fasiha opened 1 year ago

fasiha commented 1 year ago

Love the project. Hate the name. Words like “dumb” and “lame” are ableist because they use disabled people’ bodies as a proxy for derision—specifically deaf people’s speech or someone’s inability to walk. I am 100% sure nobody intended to hurt disabled folks via this title, but I gently ask you to consider what it means to a deaf person when you use “dumb” to mean “shitty” or “bad”. Kavana Ramaswamy has written a wonderful, approachable essay discussing this in more detail https://medium.com/@kavanaram/avoid-ableist-language-394f48fcc473

I gently request the project’s name be changed, to anything you like that’s less ableist: badpasswordrules.com, crappasswordrules.com, etc.

Again I want to be 10000% clear I am not implying anyone on this project caused harm by using this name, nor that they are causing harm in the future by not changing the name. The last thing I would want to do is for someone to feel I’m disparaging or attacking their hard work.

I know how hard it will be to do this!, between buying a new domain, changing Vercel deploy scripts, renaming the repo, etc. All of that does not need to be done now! Partial progress towards avoiding ableism is wonderful progress.

jepyang commented 1 year ago

+1 to this

duffn commented 1 year ago

Thanks for raising the issue. I've purchased badpasswordrules.net.

I'll of course need to take care of domain and bot related items when time permits, but do welcome a PR(s) to update the code base to reflect the new name.

fasiha commented 1 year ago

@duffn thanks so much for your support 💙. Please let me know if you'd like help defraying the cost of buying that domain name, I can imagine it was expensive. I'll prepare a PR with the new name, bear with me as I doubtless will miss some occurrences 🙇.

duffn commented 1 year ago

There's no need for any sort of payment, but a PR would be appreciated, thanks.