dukecon / dukecon_mobile

Native mobile clients for Dukecon.org conferences build with Kotlin Multiplatform
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Release standalone artifact of dukecon mpp library for 3rd party clients #5

Open michalharakal opened 4 years ago

michalharakal commented 4 years ago

The goal is to implement a process of realsing of multiplatform

Propossed steps:

michalharakal commented 4 years ago

As inspiration can help community drived project releasing artifacts. See

As far I've leard, bintray plugin isn't not reliable and standard gradle maven publish plugin is working well. Bintray project as reference:

michalharakal commented 4 years ago

Also check simple MPP project starter https://github.com/sujitpoudel/kmp-android-ios-starter

michalharakal commented 4 years ago

Another usefull project releasing artifact https://github.com/ToxicBakery/Accidental-Noise-Generator/blob/master/generator/build.gradle.kts#L135

michalharakal commented 4 years ago

Folowwing posible

File hast to be called simple.main.kts


import org.dukecon.domain.model.Room

println("Hello from Kotlin!")
val room = Room("1", "Saal 1")
println("Hello from ${room.name}")
for (arg in args) {
    println("arg: $arg")

Execute follwoing from CLI:

 kotlinc -cp kotlin-main-kts.jar -script simple.main.kts

File kotlin-main-kts.jarhas to be also in the path and can be downloaded from bintray or maven central-

See details here: Jetbrain's blog

michalharakal commented 4 years ago

official docs to releases https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/building-mpp-with-gradle.html#publishing-a-multiplatform-library