18/04/2022 07:34:34 AnyBalanceAPI
Couldn't retrieve charset from content-type 'text/html', falling back to 'utf-8'. You can use AnyBalance.setOptions() to set charset explicitly.
18/04/2022 07:34:35 AnyBalanceAPI
Couldn't retrieve charset from content-type 'text/html', falling back to 'utf-8'. You can use AnyBalance.setOptions() to set charset explicitly.
Фрагмент лога:
18/04/2022 07:34:34 trace Entering lk...
18/04/2022 07:34:34 AnyBalanceAPI Couldn't retrieve charset from content-type 'text/html', falling back to 'utf-8'. You can use AnyBalance.setOptions() to set charset explicitly.
18/04/2022 07:34:35 AnyBalanceAPI Couldn't retrieve charset from content-type 'text/html', falling back to 'utf-8'. You can use AnyBalance.setOptions() to set charset explicitly.
18/04/2022 07:34:35 trace
18/04/2022 07:34:35 UpdaterService Total content traffic: 488 bytes
18/04/2022 07:34:35 UpdaterService onSetResult got result {"message":"Не удаётся найти форму входа! Сайт изменен?","error":true}
18/04/2022 07:34:35 UpdaterService Refresh finished