This mode 0700 makes Travis sad in our build environment, where the getrebar may be executed inside a build container and somehow that permission makes a subsequent docker build command fail with Error checking context: 'no permission to read from '/home/travis/build/PagerDuty/event-rule-engine/deps/re2/support/rebar''..
I think that mode 0700 offers no security here and 0755 should prevent such little issues.
This mode 0700 makes Travis sad in our build environment, where the getrebar may be executed inside a build container and somehow that permission makes a subsequent docker build command fail with
Error checking context: 'no permission to read from '/home/travis/build/PagerDuty/event-rule-engine/deps/re2/support/rebar''.
.I think that mode 0700 offers no security here and 0755 should prevent such little issues.