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Starred Constructions Don't Persist #91

Open dickinson0718 opened 4 months ago

dickinson0718 commented 4 months ago

When I star a public construction, it appears in is own category (Starred Constructions). Yay! However, when I reload SE, the "Starred Construction" category disappears and the constructions that I starred are not listed in Owned or Public. When I reload again, the constructions that I starred reappear in the public category and I can star them again. I have done this repeatedly and I have gotten the star count of

Venn Diagram 5Ja0ku (31 objects) fordnich@mail.gvsu.edu

upto 7.

dickinson0718 commented 4 months ago

Also when I unstar a previously starred construction it doesn't move from the starred category back to public and the star count doesn't go down.