dullage / flatnotes

A self-hosted, database-less note taking web app that utilises a flat folder of markdown files for storage.
MIT License
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Saved filters or index.md #198

Open janwni opened 3 weeks ago

janwni commented 3 weeks ago


I've been using flatnotes for less than a day now, but already sponsored the mentioned beer, because I like the idea so much. There are so many note taking apps out there, all with the odd disadvantage, that a focus on simplicity, interoperability and a considerate approach to new features might be the best idea.

However it's not ideal however for large collections, as has been stated many times. I vote against folders and think that sticking to tags and the search field is a very good idea, but it should be optimized.

My suggestions are

  1. a index.md, that then is either rendered on the startpage or can be reached through the menu. With it, you could manually organize the collection.
  2. a file with search strings, that can be reached through the menu. With the first line being the search string for the startpage. For example: "NOT tags:snippets" to exclude snippets from the index and "tags:work" and "tags:private" for better organization.
dullage commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @janwni, thank you very much for the sponsorship! It really does put a big smile on my face whenever I see a sponsorship email come in.

I particularly like your second suggestion, as it feels like an extension to the existing "All Notes" menu option (which also just links to a search). I'll keep this one in mind.