dullage / flatnotes

A self-hosted, database-less note taking web app that utilises a flat folder of markdown files for storage.
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Note menu when adding wiki link #199

Open RubeHicksCube opened 2 weeks ago

RubeHicksCube commented 2 weeks ago

When creating a link using the wikilinks, it would be nice to have a prompt of existing files to select from, and dynamically update when those file names are changed once linked, and create the note when clicked if it doesn't already exist.

For example, using "[[" prompts a list of files, just like the search.

You select the file and it autocomplete the wikilink. If the link does not match any file, it creates a file with that name.

Once the link is confirmed, the wikilink uses the indexing to update the name.

This would help with ease of use for links, instead of having to search for the file to remember the right name.

dullage commented 2 weeks ago

I like the idea of the prompt for existing notes. I'd like to do something for entering tags at some point so I'll keep this in mind then.

Updating existing links is probably a step further than I'd like to go. I'm trying to stay away from editing note content for the user.