dullage / flatnotes

A self-hosted, database-less note taking web app that utilises a flat folder of markdown files for storage.
MIT License
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Demo site is not working #219

Open mangoose20026 opened 1 month ago

mangoose20026 commented 1 month ago

i went to the demo url and type "the" in the search and pres enter and it does nothing.

dullage commented 1 month ago

When you say it does nothing, do you mean that it runs the search but returns no results? Or does it literally do nothing (i.e. you're still on the home page)?

For me, it's the former: image

Which is expected, as "the" wouldn't be indexed as it's a "stop word".

mangoose20026 commented 1 month ago

got...now searched for text vestibulum ...it beautifully highlight the given text but the highlight goes off when i clicked the note, also no arrows or buttons to navigate the keyword searched for.

2 level search navigation would be really helpful..also status with matches found would be helpful...

please kindly import few documents in simplenote and you will find the highlight, no of matches, arrows for easy navigation

dullage commented 1 month ago

There's an existing suggestion for what you're describing (see #97). I have no current plans to implement that feature, but please go and give that issue a thumbs up to log your interest.