dumbeau / AutoHotPie

Radial menus in Windows, aka PIE MENYOOS!
MIT License
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Please add keyboard maneuver support #129

Open makedir opened 9 months ago

makedir commented 9 months ago

Please add a global way to maneuver through the pie menus with keyboard and execute.


dumbeau commented 9 months ago

This already exists in an indirect way, the 'slice hotkey' can be set so that your pie menus function this way. However there are some issues with slice hotkeys in some situations that I'm working on a patch for. So this will work better when that patch comes.


The benefit to this working this way is that you can set 's' to a pie menu, and if you have an 8 slice menu you can use 'q w e a d z x c' (all the key around s) as your navigation keys. An option could be created to set this up automatically though as opposed to having to set these one-by-one.

makedir commented 9 months ago

@dumbeau No, it does NOT exist. The slice hotkeyS make zero sense, because it is a key for ONE slice ONLY and you need infinite keys for each slice one. Obviously you have not infinite keys. If you bind one key to one slice you can then already just not use the slice menu at all and just bind things to keys.

Please add what I suggested here, it is important. There is a fundamental difference between what I asked.

I want maneuver keys so you have just 2 keys which let you circle around the pie in clock and counter clock wise way with just TWO keys.

This is important so you can bind them for example on Xbox controller or other things where you dont have infinite keys.

The reason for a pie menu is because you want to bind mostly 1-2 keys to open a pie menu where you have countless possibilities like 1 key to 100 functions for example. Binding 100 keys destroys the function of the pie menu.

There need to be what I asked for for countless reasons so you can maneuver through the pie menus with keyboards, controllers, or external devices like for example x button panel which just has 3-5 buttons.

dumbeau commented 9 months ago

@makedir Ah my bad, hasty assumption on my part. I was responding in the middle of a work-day and didn't take the time to fully understand the request. I understand now.

Your initial comment is clear enough, and the function seems straight forward. Would you want the navigation keys to be re-assignable? I think committing to the arrow keys and enter seems reasonable.

makedir commented 9 months ago

I think best would be:

dumbeau commented 9 months ago

Copy that, I'll add assignable navigation functions and a simple enable checkbox. That makees sense with the current design pattern of having all inputs be re-assignable also. This can be in the next version.

makedir commented 9 months ago

Thank you very much. This will help to use the pie menu with a xbox controller where you assign the arrow and enter keys to.