dumbeau / AutoHotPie

Radial menus in Windows, aka PIE MENYOOS!
MIT License
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Reverted to old version and updating #135

Closed dumbeau closed 6 months ago

dumbeau commented 6 months ago

Ryjacky has moved his work to Pilette. Pielette will likely be AutoHotPie's successor due to being in Angular, cross-platform and simply just better. The changes being made here should keep the current version of AHP working until Pielette is ready.

mmikeww commented 6 months ago

when you decided to start working on v2, what you really should have done was either 1. start the work in a new git branch, or 2. start a whole new git repo altogether. number two probably wouldve been better since you were deciding to rewrite in a new language

anyway, instead of just deleting all files and stuff (like it looks like youre trying to do in this PR) you could just duplicate this branch and archive it for historical purposes, and then in this branch, simply do a git reset and delete all the new commits. all those deleted commits will still be saved in our copy branch. but the main master branch can just be reverted back to a snapshot at an older commit state

the question is what commit do you jump back to. i see these here:


looking at that we could jump back to the 1.0.26 tag, but you did release a 1.0.27 afterwards which happened here:


however i dont really understand whats going on, because the commits included before that claim to have removed json settings file and use a db instead, but ive downloaded the 1.0.27 release and it still is using the json.

but anyway if there were bug fixes on the ahk side after 1.0.26 we could just git cherry-pick those individual commits after we reset back to 1.0.26