dumbeau / AutoHotPie

Radial menus in Windows, aka PIE MENYOOS!
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allow mouse buttons to retain their native function if used as pie key #138

Open mmikeww opened 5 months ago

mmikeww commented 5 months ago

adding here for reference. user lingjianjun in discord says hes using right click to trigger the pie menu, and obviously this supresses the normal right click

algo could be similar to https://github.com/mmikeww/DragToScroll where a delay is done before the pie menu is shown. if the right click is released within that delay, then normal right click is sent, if that delay times out and right click is still held, then show the pie menu

i searched for this issue already but didnt find it. issue #64 seems similar but not exactly

mmikeww commented 5 months ago

dumbeau suggests:

Keep in mind, the center slice is also a function! You can set the center of the pie menu to "Mouse Click", set it to Right, and disable "Drag".

This way if you right-click and release without moving the mouse out of the ring, you'll perform the original RMB click

which seems good enough for now